May 2022 Nonviolent Communication Newsletter

Published: Tue, 05/03/22

  May 2022
NVC Monthly Newsletter

We hope you find value in the resources we are providing today! We invite you to share with friends, family, colleagues, and others, if you believe they might also find value in this.

Our most recently updated topic is written on War.

Our website covers over 35 different topics from an NVC perspective-all written by a senior certified trainer. Please read some to learn more.

If you are new to Nonviolent Communication please visit our page on the basics of Nonviolent Communication.

Please stay safe and healthy!


Thank you : )
PuddleDancer Press

Military Invasion of Ukraine

We are deeply affected by the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. We believe war is never the answer and we will not lose hope around spreading peace and nonviolence. We wanted to share NPR's list of ways to support the people in Ukraine during this horrific time.

What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:
You may click any section header to jump to that section. (This feature is not supported on all devices and email clients.)
Upcoming Events
  • LA IIT International Intensive Training June 10 - 19, 2022
  • The Compassion Course Online With Thom Bond June 22nd, 2022 through June 14, 2023
  • Tanzania IIT International Intensive Training June 24 - July 3, 2022
Book Specials
Compassion in Action
  • Compassion in Action - Empathy Can Change the World
Distance Learning Opportunities
  • NVC Academy
  • The Center for Nonviolent Communication Trainings
Book Excerpts
  • Special Sneak Peak Chapter from The Heart of NVC releasing Spring of 2023 - Chapter 6 "Observation and Observation Mixed With Evaluation"
  • Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life - Chapter 1
  • Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook - Chapter 1
  • Comunicación no Violenta - Chapter 1
  • Conflict Resolution Play - creative outlet for the youth
  • Downloads
  • Recommended Links
  • ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons
  • PuddleDancer Press Cartoon
NVC in the News
  • His View: Thich Nhat Hanh: master of mindful meditation | Moscow-Pullman Daily News
  • Marshall Rosenberg gave the strategic communication tool known as | India Screen
  • Nonviolent Communication™ (NVC) | The Right Words and Beyond
  • Best Esalen Workshop Exercises | Thrive
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation
  • Living our Values
  • Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
  • Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers
  • List of 90+ NVC Facebook Groups
  • Live Compassionately - Marshall Rosenberg
  • Happiness Is...
NVC Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
LA IIT International Intensive Training June 10 - 19, 2022
This 9-day immersion experience into Nonviolent Communication (NVC) will offer learning sessions, home groups, coaching and feedback from skilled trainers, and a community environment where you can learn and practice the key skills of NVC.
  • Speak from the heart
  • Practice deep, non-judgmental listening
  • Build self-empowerment from the inside out

Event Information

The Compassion Course Online With Thom Bond June 22nd, 2022 through June 14, 2023
Registration is Open
"For anyone who wants to have more compassion, understanding and harmony in their lives and in our world”
  • Experience more harmony and understanding with important people in your life
  • Have less painful, shorter conflicts
  • Have more awareness of your needs, wants and desires
  • Have your needs expressed and understood
  • Increase congruence between your values and actions
  • Translate judgments into dialogues & requests
  • Increase harmony and understanding among others
  • Stay more centered, open and effective in conflicts

Event Information

Tanzania IIT International Intensive Training June 24 - July 3, 2022
The International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was created by its founder, Marshall B. Rosenberg, and a team of trainers with an intention to bring people from around the world to experience the power of a living community that has awareness of its interdependence and its potential to live in dynamic coexistence.

The Tanzania International Intensive Training is a unique opportunity to experience 9 days of living, learning, and practicing Nonviolent Communication principles and skills with a vibrant community of engaged NVC participants from Africa, Asia, and from all over the world. Situated in the breathtaking vicinity of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti, you will create new friendships, discover a rich and colorful culture, and enjoy the generous spirit of the people of Tanzania.

An international team of trainers will accompany you on this empowered journey with care, skill, and encouragement. Each day’s rhythm will weave community gatherings with core NVC topics, special topics of interest (parenting, schools, restorative practices etc.), cultivating a spirit of curiosity, clarity, playfulness, and heart. The local Tanzania NVC team will support you in making your stay lively and comfortable.

Seminar Language: English.

Event Information


“Understanding the other persons’ needs does not mean you have to give up on your own needs.”
Marshall Rosenberg

Nonviolent Communication and War

What is the Connection between NVC and War? Nonviolent Communication fosters the quality of connection which facilitates the information exchange needed to resolve conflicts peacefully.
We can extrapolate some of the elements of interpersonal conflict to larger armed conflicts. For example, people whose needs are satisfied do not commit violence against others. When a nation-state is secure, fulfilled, and satisfied it is hard to imagine it as the aggressor initiating a war of choice against a peaceful neighbor.
NVC can be a valuable component in dialog, negotiations, and in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, including wars.
One of the key elements to resolving and preventing conflicts is the NVC differentiation between needs and strategies which we articulate below, along with an exploration of other themes related to NVC and war....

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How are you at managing your anxiety by Rachelle Lamb


I just came across the following quote from author/psychologist Virginia Todd Holeman, "Most of us do not come into adulthood with the belief that we are responsible for tending to our own anxiety. Instead, we adopt this formula: 'I'm anxious. You change."

Are you familiar with the formula? Applying it doesn't typically lead to a fruitful outcome does it! And yet there's a good chance that even though you know that it's both unrealistic and unproductive to expect another person to relieve you from anxiety, in stressful moments you'll probably attempt it....

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Limit Setting from The Heart by Sarah Kmon

We all have this idea that children need limits, right?

I did.

And I still do to a certain extent but my ideas and energy around limits have changed. Now, the limits are mine and not the children’s.

When the limits are mine, based on my capacity, and my needs, (which vary based on chemo schedule) I am able to give my children an experience of the flow of energy and needs.

When the limits are mine, they gain a first-hand understanding of how their behavior or words can affect another person.

When the limits are mine, the power is internal, rather than an external, arbitrary source. The power is mine. And the power is theirs. And we dance together....

Read More 


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life
Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook
Comunicación no Violenta

Compassion in Action - Empathy Can Change the World
Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links

Conflict Resolution Made Easy
Conflict Resolution Play - creative outlet for the youth

Key Facts About NVC
The 4-Part NVC Process
Feelings and Needs We All Have
Differentiating Between Feelings And Faux Feelings from John Kinyon

Recommended Links:
Pathways to Connect – NVC Handouts
Cascadia Workshops – Intro to NVC Handout
Street Giraffe – Handy Handouts
NVC Next Gen – NVC Informational Handouts
Radical Compassion – NVC Handouts
Nonviolent Communication Handouts
Marshall Rosenberg NVC Handouts
Marshall Rosenberg Videos on Youtube


Credit @powerofpositivity

Book Excerpts
Heart of NVC - Chapter 6

During my certification journey, my beloved assessor, Penny Wassman, strongly encouraged me to publish my writings on the key differentiations. Once certified, I continued to explore the key distinctions with fellow CNVC trainers and assessors, as well as with my NVC students and CNVC trainer candidates. After a joyful reunion in Italy with my very first NVC empathy buddy and close friend, Kristin Collier, and after savoring her memoir Housewife: Home-remaking in a Transgender Marriage , I invited Kristin to join me in this project. Together we wrote "The Heart of Nonviolent Communication: 25 Keys to Shift From Separation to Connection" that will be published by PDP April 1st 2023.

As the community of certified trainers continues to deeply engage in lively conversations, such as the understanding of observations, to harness the collective wisdom, we are grateful to PDP for the willingness to offer this chapter now in hopes that our exploration might support the inquiry. We imagine that some of you may at times disagree with our understanding of NVC. We welcome you to engage in a process of discernment with curiosity, to find your own truth. In our experience, a willingness to explore beyond our present understanding allows for learning, choice, and clarity about what matters most to us.

Stephanie Bachmann Mattei, PhD

Kristin Collier


Read the excerpt here

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life - Chapter 1

Read the excerpt here
Buy the book on special here - 50% off

Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook - Chapter 1

Read the excerpt here
Buy the book on special here - 50% off

Comunicación no Violenta - Chapter 1

Read the excerpt here
Buy the book on special here - 50% off


“We are never angry because of what others say or do. It is our thinking that makes us angry.”

Marshall Rosenberg



ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons

Cartoons by Sven Hartenstein


Conceived by Meiji Stewart. Illustrated by David Blaisdell.

Becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer

CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal.

Introduction to the Certification Process
Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers

NVC Facebook Groups

List of 90+ NVC Facebook Groups


“It isn’t only what we do,
When we understand the needs that motivate our own and others behavior, we have no enemies.”

Marshall Rosenberg

Distance Learning Opportunities
NVC Academy
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.

Visit the NVC Academy

The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.


NVC in the News!

“People heal from their pain when they have an authentic connection with another human being.”

Marshall Rosenberg

Peaceful Living - Living Our Values
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
We live in a vastly complex society which has been able to provide us with a multitude of material things, and this is good, but people are beginning to suspect that we have paid a high spiritual price for our plenty.
—Euell Gibbons

Living Our Values
Sometimes I wish everyone else would just make it easy for me to live my values. If other people would just do their part, I wouldn’t have to work so hard at doing mine. Can you relate to this? Here’s the real truth: I support peace in the world, which means that I want to live my life peacefully. This is my value; no one else forces me to hold it. I own it because it’s important to me...

Read More
Sign Up for the 365 Daily Meditations
Learn about the book here

NVC - Additional Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)

We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.

Please be safe!

PuddleDancer Press


Please share with friends, family, colleagues and social groups, if you believe they might find value in this:
