How does NVC help in treating depression?
NVC is a powerful ally in working with some of the root causes of depression.
That said, depression can have many contributing causes including genetics, brain chemistry, negative self-talk, and life circumstances.
So first, let us break down some basics about Nonviolent
Communication — and then we’ll look at how it addresses depression.
The heart of NVC is feelings and needs — the latter referring specifically to Universal Human Needs.
You can think of needs as core human motivators, energies which impel us to speak or act. You can also think of needs as the conditions necessary for life to thrive, in any human being, regardless of culture or geographic location.
Needs are how Life is
showing up in someone in this moment and, as such, are energies that want to flow, not holes to be filled!
When your needs are met or satisfied you have certain feelings, and when not, you have other feelings. When your need for safety is met or satisfied you feel a certain way. And when that need is not met or satisfied different feelings will come up. The same can be said about needs like belonging, autonomy, and so forth...