NVC Monthly NewsletterSeptember
2023 |
We hope you find value in the resources we are providing today! We invite you to share with friends, family, colleagues, and others, if you believe they might also find value in this. Our most recently featured topic is written on CENSORSHIP. Our website covers over 45 different topics from an NVC perspective-all written by a senior certified trainer on behalf of PuddleDancer Press. Please read some to learn more. If you are new to Nonviolent Communication please visit our page on the basics of Nonviolent Communication. Please stay safe and healthy! Thank you :) PuddleDancer Press
What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:Events - New Book! - The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes
- join THE global home of NVC - CNCN Membership
Articles - Nonviolent Communication and Censorship
- Leaf Miners, Swiss Chard, Interdependence, and Me: Key Distinctions in the Garden by Kristin K. Collier
- Making Effective Requests by Alex Censor
Specials 50% OFF both full Retail and eBooks Price - The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes
- The Heart of Nonviolent Communication
- The Nonviolent Communication
Distance Learning Opportunities - NVC Academy
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication Trainings
Book Excerpts - The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes - Part 1
- The Heart of Nonviolent Communication - Chapter 1
- The Nonviolent Communication Toolkit - Chapter 1
Handouts - Downloads
- Recommended Links
Humor - Give Peas a Chance Illustration
- PuddleDancer Press Cartoon
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation - Seeing the God in All of Us
Poem NVC in the News - A glance into the genius Microsoft brain with these 8 Satya Nadella books recommendations -
Lifestyle Asia
- Giraffe Center Bangladesh holds training on conflict resolution - Dhaka Tribune
- The Concept of Nonviolent Communications is driving social change through empathy - SocialStory
Resources - Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
- Guidelines for
Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers
NVC Resources - NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
New Title! - The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes
Now 50% off retail with code SEP23 A comprehensive collection, The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes by NVC founder
Marshall B. Rosenberg draws not only from other books and interviews, but also from the internet and previously unpublished workshops. It illuminates his revolutionary four-part Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process and shows the myriad ways NVC makes life more wonderful through the joy of compassionate giving. This essential compilation invites us to transform our lives, our work, our world.
What People are Saying “This book is an absolute gem! “Marshall’s voice is loud and clear. Organized by topics, this book offers us a way into the heart of Marshall’s teachings. “It dispels any doubt about NVC being a way of life, more than a system of communication. And it clarifies that NVC is a spirituality that inclines toward social change for the benefit of
all. “Brilliant.” —STEPHANIE BACHMANN MATTEI, coauthor of The Heart of Nonviolent Communication, certified trainer and assessor with CNVC, and certified teacher in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
join THE global home of NVC - CNVC Membership
It’s now possible to contribute to and collaborate with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) through Supporting Membership. As a supporting member you are part of a growing movement of like-minded people impacted by NVC. Supporting Membership benefits: - official alignment with the global home of NVC
- discounts on immersive trainings
- provide input to shape CNVC's future
- invitation to a free online annual gathering
- members-only video library
Together, we’re speaking the language of the heart. Together, we’re creating the world our intuition knows is possible. Together, we’re at home in the global home of
NVC. |
"SCHOOLING TEACHES US to dehumanize human beings by thinking of what they are, rather than what they need. " Marshall Rosenberg |
Nonviolent Communication and Censorship |
How does Nonviolent Communication (NVC) address issues of censorship, including book banning? Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of ideas, writing, speech, or other forms of expression. NVC is a process that emphasizes the use of dialog to create mutual understanding, cultivate good-will, and make mutually satisfying outcomes more readily attainable. NVC can shed new light on the most
contentious issues, providing new possibilities for breakthroughs. NVC has tools in three areas: - self-connection, for greater clarity about your own feelings, motivations, values, and desires;
- empathy, so that you and others experience being heard and understood, and;
- authentic self-expression — also known as honesty — which contributes to being understood as well as helping others feel connected to what is true and real for
Through a process of empathy and honesty, NVC helps you create mutual understanding — beyond judgments about rightness and wrongness — leading to the possibility of co- creating mutually satisfying outcomes. Read More
Leaf Miners, Swiss Chard, Interdependence, and Me: Key Distinctions in the Garden
Straddling the garden bed, I reach around each Swiss chard plant with a sharp knife poised in one hand. I brush my fingers between the leaves, looking for the thin, brown, patchy evidence of leaf miners. The dry membranes left behind by these microscopic creatures once flummoxed me as I wondered why my plants were dying. On the world wide web, I have learned that these hungry little mites multiply nearly as fast as they eat. One of
the best ways to protect a bed of Swiss chard is to harvest every leaf that shows signs of being dined upon. Today, I gather green leaves with one or two blemishes to steam for lunch. Nowadays, we share, the leaf miners and I. Honoring us both is in alignment with my practice of Nonviolent Communication.
Making Effective Requests by Alex Censor
Ever make a seemingly reasonable request of someone and had them get their back up in reaction? Or had someone respond in a way making tragically clear they misunderstood what you’re asking? Or, perhaps worse, they appeared to agree yet didn’t follow through – or later denied you ever asked them? Or maybe you've been on the other end? You’re blind-sided, discovering someone’s resentful or angry at you for your not having done
something (perhaps something you might’ve been willing to do) but you can't remember they asked -- or you do recall they expressed something about it, but certainly you’d never agreed to it? I've sure have been on both ends. Sure, it could be something about others that explains such bollixes – but often when I've done an autopsy on the resulting mess it became clear if I had more skill at making requests (or, more important, if I'd been conscious of whether I was subtly
demanding rather than requesting) my message might’ve gotten through -- Or at least I’d have known it didn’t and avoided the disappointment based on my mistaken assumption that it had. |
"WHEN PEOPLE HEAR needs, it provokes compassion. When people hear diagnoses, it provokes defensiveness and attack." Marshall Rosenberg |
Every Child Needs Appreciation, for all their gifts. Balance, not too little, not too much. Commitment, be there for them. Dreams, to touch
the future. Empathy, to be heard and cared for. Family and friends, we all need love. Guidance, to help them find their way. Healthy habits, to lead a healthy life. Inspiration, to be all they can be. Joyful
childhood memories. Kindness, little things mean a lot. Limits, make agreements together. Mentors, to give wings to dreams. Nature, to delight in rainbow butterflies. Opportunities, to make their hearts sing. Play, the “ work” of childhood. Quiet time, to recharge their batteries. Respect, to be ‘Seen and Heard.’ Security, to help them feel safe. Teachers, to lead by example. Unconditional love, to thrive. Values, they learn what they live. Words of hope and support. Xoxoxo’s, every chance you get. You, ‘your presence’ more than presents. Zzzzzzzs, a good night’s sleep. © Meiji
Stewart |
"AS A GIRAFFE, you’re conscious that you never do anything wrong. . . . It’s probably the hardest thing about giraffe—to be aware that we never do anything wrong. We’re doing the best we can each moment." Marshall Rosenberg |
Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links
Downloads: Recommended
"THE MORE UGLY the judgment, the more beautiful the need behind it." Marshall Rosenberg |
Give Peas a Chance Illustration
Concept and © Meiji Stewart Illustrated by Jeff Kahn |
Concept by Meiji Stewart. Illustrated by David Blaisdell. |
The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes - Part 1 |
The Heart of Nonviolent Communication - Chapter 1 |
The Nonviolent Communication Toolkit for Facilitators - Chapter 1 |
"NEVER QUESTION THE beauty of what you are saying because someone reacts with pain, judgment, criticism. It just means they have not heard you. " Marshall Rosenberg |
CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal.
"Understanding the other persons’ needs does not mean you have to give up on your own needs." Marshall Rosenberg |
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.
"Regardless of our many differences, we all have the same needs. What differs is the strategy for fulfilling these needs." Marshall Rosenberg |
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
Each contact with a human being is so rare, and so precious. One should preserve it. —Anaïs Nin
Seeing the God in All of Us Every life is precious. There isn’t a person or creature that is here by mistake. Something greater than all life combined has determined our place on Earth. Simply put your energy where you feel the most joy, and know that the Universe will take care of the rest. Do this without judging other people and you will take one step toward world peace. Be aware of your worth and your place on earth today. |
- NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)
We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.
Please be safe!
PuddleDancer Press