NVC Monthly NewsletterFebruary 2024 |
We hope you find value in the resources we are providing today! We invite you to share with friends, family, colleagues, and others, if you believe they might also find value in this. Our most recently featured topic is
written on Social Media. Our website covers over 50 different topics from an
NVC perspective-all written by a senior certified trainer. Please read some to learn more. If you are new to Nonviolent Communication please visit our page on the basics of Nonviolent Communication. Please stay safe and healthy! Thank you :) PuddleDancer Press
What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:Events - Upcoming International Intensive Trainings (IIT)
- Gathering to Remember Marshall Rosenberg - 02/07
Articles - Nonviolent Communication and Social Media
Fundraisers - CCCO - Empathy Calls
- The Relationship Foundation - Stabilize Schools in the Midst of Social Unrest
Specials 50% OFF both full Retail and eBooks Price - The Surprising Purpose of Anger
- Raising Children Compassionately
- Being Me Loving You
Distance Learning Opportunities - NVC Academy
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication Trainings
Book Excerpts - The Suprising Purpose of Anger - Part 1
- Raising
Children Compassionately - Chapter 1
- Being Me, Loving You - Chapter 1
Handouts - Downloads
- Recommended Links
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation - Meeting Our Need for Exercise
Poem Resources - Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
- Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers
NVC in the News - Gift Giving & the Power of Education | issuu
- Ego and Negative Thinking People | New Trader U
- Softer Conflict | Quartz
NVC Resources - NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
CNVC - International Intensive Trainings Description You'll be immersed in a community of people learning, practicing, and applying Nonviolent Communication from the moment you sign up. Each of CNVC's IITs are hosted in different countries and languages in effort to expand their reach for all who wish to experience the depth of NVC and connect with a growing community of passionate learners and practitioners. Upcoming IITs - India - Starts February 23rd
- Poland - Starts March 15th
- Taiwan - Starts March 29th
9th Anniversay of Marshall Rosenberg's Passing First Generation NVCers Invite You to Another Online Gathering on February 7th This gathering is to remember Marshall Rosenberg’s gifts to us on the 9th anniversary of his passing February 7, 2024 10 am to 11:30 am PST All certified trainers, candidates
and friends of NVC are welcome.
Nonviolent Communication and Social Media |
How does Nonviolent Communication (NVC) View Social Media? To answer the question of how Nonviolent Communication holds or addresses social media, first let’s define NVC and some relevant key differentiations. What is
NVC? Nonviolent Communication, or NVC, is a process for arriving at a high quality of connection through which people prevent and resolve misunderstandings and conflicts, create exceptional personal and professional relationships, and spontaneously enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being. One of the key differentiations NVC
emphasizes is the distinction between needs (Universal Human Needs) and strategies. Needs vs Strategies Needs, as defined within NVC, are universal in the sense that all humans share them. Strategies, on the other hand, are the ways we attempt to meet needs
— and by definition they are not universal. For example, we all have a need for safety. Some people meet that need through keen awareness of their surroundings. Other people meet that need by getting to know their neighbors and creating a sense of community. Others meet that very same need by carrying a gun. And still others might meet their need for safety by staying home and hiding out. It’s the same need —
potentially fulfilled by various and very different strategies... Read More |
The more we empathize with the pain that leads to violence, the less likelihood of violence. Marshall Rosenberg |
The Compassionate Communication Center of Ohio shares the principles and practices of Compassionate-Nonviolent Communication (NVC), as developed by the American psychologist, Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, and inspired by the nonviolence teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Founded in 2006, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization based in Columbus, Ohio, USA that works in partnership with other regional NVC organizations throughout the world, and with the international organization founded by Dr. Rosenberg, the Center for Nonviolent Communication. A non-profit organization equipping people for practical peacemaking and restorative connections Help us share Compassionate Communication widely. Join in creating a more
compassionate world and consider making one-time or a recurring donation.
The Relationship Foundation - Stabilize Schools in the Midst of Social Unrest
We're the Relationship Foundation, a small nonprofit with a big vision making an impact in Social and Emotional Learning. Temporary COVID-relief funds for programs such as ours will end in 2024. Your donation will help us provide much needed training sessions and curricula for underserved schools. Ten underserved schools have requested our curriculum and training sessions for their students and teachers. Teachers are saying the life skill Nonviolent Communication we teach is the next step in Social and Emotional Learning...
CDs and DVDs We offer Audio and Video of Marshall Rosenberg's teachings and wisdom. Nonviolent Communication provides powerful tools for resolving differences at personal, professional, and political levels. Dr. Rosenberg first created and began to offer Nonviolent Communication skills training to peacefully integrate schools and other public institutions during the 1960s. Since then, Dr. Rosenberg
and his associates have introduced NVC in over thirty countries to educators, students, parents, managers, mental health and health care providers, military officers, peace activists, lawyers and mediators, prisoners, police and clergy, and more. These dvd’s and cd’s are copyrighted. Purchasing these from the Puddledancer Press website ensures that royalties will be paid to the Rosenberg foundation. If you view these
videos/cds from other sites then no royalties are paid. Thank you for your consideration. |
Video Details - The Basics of NVC
- Making Life Wonderful
Audio Details - Expressing and Receiving Anger Compassionately
- Giraffe Fuel for Life
- Needs and Empathy
- Live Compassionately
- Intimate Relationships
- Experiencing Needs as
a Gift
- $4.95 each
Great Teachers Awaken hearts and minds. Believe in possibilities. Challenge
you to soar. Dare to care. Enlighten and empower. Foster respect and laughter. Go the extra mile. Help you do for yourself. Invite and encourage questions. Joyfully embrace diversity. Keep an open mind. Look for the best in you. Make learning fun. Never give up on you. Open doors to new worlds. Provide a sense of belonging. Quest to make a difference. Remember what it’s like to be you. Stimulate creative self-expression. Take time to explain things. Unwrap talents and abilities. Value everyone’s feelings and needs. Welcome mistakes as part of learning. Xplore, experiment and lead by example. Yearn to connect not correct. Zest to build a better world. © Meiji Stewart |
Spread Love & Empathy with Interactive Cards & Games
Designed by NVC trainers, GROKtheWorld.com games are a playful way to increase emotional intelligence and spread compassion. Check out GROK, KidsGROK and WeGROK, as well as our books & facilitation resources. Good for couples, parents, and NVC facilitators! |
Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links
Downloads: Recommended Links:
Empathy is where we connect our attention, our consciousness; it’s not what we say out loud…I define empathy as our connection with what’s alive in this person at this moment. Marshall Rosenberg |
The Surprising Purpose of Anger - Chapter 1
Raising Children Compassionately - Chapter 1
Being Me, Loving You - Chapter 1
Our ability to offer empathy can allow us to stay vulnerable, defuse potential violence, help us hear the word nowithout taking it as a rejection, revive lifeless conversation, and even hear the feelings and needs expressed through silence. Marshall
Rosenberg |
CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal. |
Empathy lies in our ability to be present without opinion. Marshall Rosenberg |
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.
You see, if were mentally trying to understand the other person, were not present with them in this moment. Marshall Rosenberg |
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it. —Mother Teresa
Meeting Our Need for Exercise I used to hike up a small mountain before work several mornings a week. I could complete this rugged, six-mile hike in an hour and a half. Then, I would take a quick shower and start my workday. Today, I walk or jog for thirty minutes and do a thirty-minute yoga workout four to five
mornings a week. In both cases, my need for exercise has been well met. In my younger days, it was fun to work my body hard and to feel powerful because of what I could accomplish. Today, much less activity feels good to me. We all have different strategies and different degrees of endurance for exercise or movement. When I have focused on working out in ways that experts suggest, I have felt overwhelmed and had a
hard time sticking to the program. When I instead focus on my desire to meet my needs for physical well-being, exercise, and serenity, I enjoy my morning workouts. Are you meeting your needs for exercise? Consider which activities would help you meet your needs for physical and emotional health and fun, rather than focusing on what expert opinion says. Be aware today of whether your
need for exercise is met and if you would like to tweak your program. |
- NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)
We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.
Please be safe!
PuddleDancer Press