NVC Monthly NewsletterNovember 2024 |
What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:Events - Upcoming International Intensive Trainings (IIT)
- A Journey from the Heart: A Year Long Path to Peaceful Living
- Every
4th Wednesday, January 22nd-December 17th, 2025
- First Generation NVCers' Events:
- In-Person Retreat March 9th-14th, 2025
Articles & Podcasts - Nonviolent Communication and Happiness
- webe Parents
Fundraisers - NVC Academy Fundraiser
- Fundraiser for The Relationship Foundation: Help Underserved Schools with NVC
Book Specials 50% OFF both full Retail and eBooks Price - Peaceful Living
- The Surprising Purpose of Anger
- Being Me, Loving You
- Raising Children Compassionately
Distance Learning Opportunities - NVC Academy
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication Trainings
Book Excerpts - Peaceful Living - Chapter 1
- The Surprising Purpose of Anger - Chapter 1
- Being Me, Loving You - Chapter 1
- Raising Children Compassionately -
Chapter 1
Handouts - Downloads
- Recommended Links
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation - Creating Joy in Our Lives
Poem NVC in the News - “Don’t Destroy What you
Want to Inherit”: Peacebuilding Holds the Key to Building a Strong United States of America | Counter Currents Org
- The art of conversation: Books for going beyond conflict | The Christian Science Monitor
- Books as tools for emotional growth | The Kathmandu Post
Resources - Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
- Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers
NVC Resources - NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
CNVC - International Intensive Trainings Description You'll be immersed in a community of people learning, practicing, and applying Nonviolent Communication from the moment you sign up. Each of CNVC's IITs are hosted in different countries and languages in effort to expand their reach for all who wish to experience the depth of NVC and connect with a growing community of passionate learners and practitioners. Upcoming IITs - Nigeria - Starts November 29th
- The Netherlands - Starts January 3rd
- India - Starts February 6th
Learn More
A Journey from the Heart: A Year Long Path to Peaceful Living Description 4th Wednesday of each month, January 22-December 17, 2025 11:00am to 12:30pm Pacific (California) Time Looking to deepen your NVC practice and live it fully in your daily life? Join Mary Mackenzie, author of Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing, and Compassion, in 2025 for a
transformative year-long program designed to help you move from "learning" to "being." The Peaceful Living book is on our monthly book specials offered at 50% off ! This unique course offers monthly classes, small group support, daily meditations, journaling, and an online forum to connect with like-minded Peaceful Living enthusiasts. With ongoing insights and reflections from Mary, you'll have the tools and
community to embrace NVC in all its forms—through life's joys and challenges. Dive into a year of connection, presence, and personal growth! Learn More
First Generation NVCers’ Events In-Person Retreat: An Even Deeper Dive into Knowing and Living the Roots of NVC as Received Directly from Marshall Rosenberg, March 9-14, 2025 Description: As First Generation NVC trainers, we have heard a desire from NVC practitioners and those steeped in NVC to understand what was stirred in Marshall in the creation and sharing of NVC teachings with the world and to connect with those who know the history and have lived NVC for over 30 years. This retreat is an opportunity to delve into
areas of NVC that may not have received as much attention as others in recent years, and to do so as we received it from Marshall. The retreat, which will take place March 9-14, 2025 at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center at Rancho Palos Verdes (close to LAX airport in California), is intended to be an advanced-level exploration of NVC and is open to Certified Trainers and Candidates registered with CNVC. Others steeped in NVC may be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Find out more about the First Generation NVCers and the event on their website: FirstGenNVCers To register, Click Here For general questions about the event, please contact the First Gens at silgiraffe@aol.com and copy firstgennvcers@fastmail.com. If you have registration
questions, please contact Elke Haggerty at elke@process-works.ca.
Nonviolent Communication and Happiness |
Understanding Nonviolent Communication and the Pursuit of HappinessIn present times digital interactions often replace face-to-face conversations. Despite this, the quality of our communication has a profound impact on our personal well-being and the health of our relationships. Misunderstandings often can and do escalate
quickly, especially digitally, leading to conflicts that strain connections with friends, family, and colleagues. In this context, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is powerful for bridging gaps, fostering empathy, and enhancing your pursuit of happiness. Developed by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. starting in the 1960s, NVC is more than a method of speaking — it’s a new paradigm for relating that promotes compassion,
understanding, and effective, long-lasting outcomes. NVC teaches you how to connect with yourself and others at a deeper level by recognizing and addressing universal human needs. NVC not only improves interpersonal dynamics but also contributes to a more fulfilling and happy life. This article delves into the principles of NVC, the importance of universal human needs, and how mutually co-created strategies can lead
to personal and collective thriving. We’ll also explore some additional perspectives to question whether the pursuit of happiness makes sense as a goal or if there are more meaningful aspirations worth considering... Read More
webe Parents Podcast Exciting News for NVC Enthusiasts!We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new podcast, “webe Parents,” hosted by Dr. Alona Pulde, a practitioner of NVC, and her
work and life partner, Dr. Matthew Lederman, a CNVC Certified Trainer. This podcast is dedicated to helping families integrate Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and our approach of collaborative non-permissive parenting into their daily lives, bringing people together, and transforming conflict into connection. Whether you're new to NVC or a long-time practitioner, "webe Parents" offers practical insights and
tools to foster understanding and harmony within your family. Listen now at webeparents.com |
WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for what we hear other people say and for how we act. Marshall Rosenberg |
Would you like to support others to learn NVC? Many people across the world are longing to learn NVC, but they don’t have the financial means to do so. The NVC Academy provides many discounts and full scholarships each year. We enjoy offering these even as they affect our sustainability. As a way to continue being able to support those who are unable to pay for NVC
courses, we started the Community Support Fund. This is a place where you may choose to contribute financially towards other people’s registrations to our courses AND expand the spread of NVC in the world. Contribute to the Community Support Fund Your contribution helps to spread NVC consciousness and every penny goes to people who are requesting financial support to
attend a live course. Thank you in advance for choosing to share resources with members of our community so they may learn the life-changing power of NVC!
The Relationship Foundation
Help Underserved Schools with Nonviolent Communication The Relationship Foundation is a small nonprofit with a big vision, making an impact in Social and Emotional Learning by introducing Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Nonviolent Communication is a practice of expressing one’s needs
and feelings without blame or judgment and listening empathically. Teachers have commented that using NVC in the classroom has improved student behavior and academics. Another teacher said, “in my 20 years of teaching, I have never seen anything like this.” Ten underserved schools have requested the curriculum and training sessions
for their students and teachers. Your donation will help provide much-needed training sessions and curricula for underserved schools.
WHEN WE USE NVC to express appreciation, it is purely to celebrate, not to get something in return. Our sole intention is to celebrate the way our lives have been enriched by others Marshall Rosenberg |
CDs and DVDs We offer Audio and Video of Marshall Rosenberg's teachings and wisdom. Nonviolent Communication provides powerful tools for resolving differences at personal, professional, and political levels. Dr. Rosenberg first created and began to offer Nonviolent Communication skills training to peacefully integrate schools and other public institutions during the 1960s. Since then, Dr. Rosenberg
and his associates have introduced NVC in over thirty countries to educators, students, parents, managers, mental health and health care providers, military officers, peace activists, lawyers and mediators, prisoners, police and clergy, and more. Listen or watch to the first 10 minutes of every dvd/cd!!!
These dvd’s and cd’s are copyrighted. Purchasing these from the Puddledancer Press website ensures that royalties will be paid to the Rosenberg foundation. If you view these videos/cds from other sites then no royalties are paid. Thank you for your consideration. |
Video Details - The Basics of NVC
- Making Life Wonderful
Audio Details - Expressing and Receiving Anger Compassionately
- Giraffe Fuel for Life
- Needs and Empathy
- Live Compassionately
- Intimate Relationships
- Experiencing Needs as
a Gift
- $4.95 each
HAPPINESS IS Attitude of gratitude. Building bridges, not walls. Common sense
and moderation Disposition, not circumstance. Embracing change. Feeling that what you do matters. Giving more than receiving. Having a scratch for every
itch. Inside you, not “out there”. a Job well done. Knowing when to let go. Looking for the good in others. Making the world a better place. Not sweating the small stuff. Optional, and so is misery. Progress not perfection. Quality of your thoughts. Recognizing second chances. Savoring family, friends and pets. Today well lived. Unbridled curiosity. Vintage memories. Working up a sweat. Xpressing your truth kindly. Your choice, if not now, when? Zzzz’s, a good night’s sleep. © Meiji Stewart
IT’S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that we build into our lives opportunities to exchange sincere gratitude, that we have opportunities to express it to others and to receive it. Marshall
Rosenberg |
Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links
Downloads: Recommended Links:
THE MORE GRATITUDE is a part of our life . . . the more fuel we have to be a giraffe in a jackal-speaking world. Marshall Rosenberg |
Peaceful Living - Chapter 1
The Suprising Purpose of Anger - Chapter 1
Being Me, Loving You - Chapter 1
Raising Children Compassionately - Chapter 1 |
SO THERE IS a severe fuel shortage on this planet. It’s amazing how many people are gratitude-starved. They’re not getting the gratitude necessary to know that we have met our needs to enrich life. And if we’re not getting that gratitude
back, regularly, to confirm that that need is being met, the cost of not having our need for meaning met is enormous. It just takes the joy out of life. Takes the energy out of life. Marshall Rosenberg |
Certified Trainers & Sharing NVC
CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal.
SO, THE FIRST thing that I would suggest, then, in the giving of gratitude to other people, is to be very careful that you never give gratitude as a reward. Never give gratitude to build up someone’s confidence in themself. In other words,
don’t use it as a manipulation to create something in the other person. Marshall Rosenberg |
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.
THE INTENT IS very important in giving gratitude. It must be only to celebrate life. To celebrate a need of ours getting met. Absolutely no intent to reward the other person, just coming from the heart. Marshall Rosenberg |
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
Clapping with the right hand only will not produce a noise. —Malay proverb
Creating Joy in Our Lives Compassionate Communication values the concept of only doing things that bring us joy. Sometimes when people first learn this concept, they take this literally and say things like, “I’ll attend the meeting if I feel joy about it at the time.” Or “I know we had
plans but I just didn’t feel joy about going once the time arrived.” When people say things like this, or act in this manner, they are missing a key aspect of Compassionate Communication: the importance of valuing everyone’s needs equally. I can feel joy if I follow through with my plans to meet my own need for fulfilling my obligations or contributing to my friend’s life. If I think I’d like to change our plans, it is important for me to consider the other
person’s needs as well. The only effective way to do this is to ask. “I know we made plans to go to the movies tonight, but I am beat. Would it be just as fun for you to go tomorrow night?” It is important to do things that bring us joy. It is just as important to value everyone’s needs equally. The minute we value our needs more than others’, we erect walls in our relationships. Be aware of times when you value your own needs more than other people’s today, and choose a different approach that values them equally. |
- NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)
We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.
Please be safe!
PuddleDancer Press