NVC at Work and More ~ Quick Connect Newsletter September 2016

Published: Tue, 09/06/16

NVC Quote
Think about your intention—are you getting lost in the method?
Or are you coming from the intention, the purpose? You don’t want to do the mechanics without the consciousness. Intention is key— punitive or protective use of force—it’s your intention
 ~Marshall B. Rosenberg

What You'll Find in this Month's Newsletter:

Self Management= More Joy at Work.
Impact Assessment-Collaborative Communication
Eight crucial tools for effective collaboration and communication
Needs and Feelings inventory for the workplace

Connecting Across Differences (SIX) Podcasts by Dian Killian

Other Good Stuff:
NVC Event ( by Dian Killian the author of all four articles and six podcasts)
NVC Cartoon
A resource for parents of children with eating disorders
A resource relating to Domestic Violence
Facebook and yahoo NVC resources
Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg

September - 3 Book Specials:
Connecting Across Differences by Dian Killian/Jane Conner
The Empathy Factor by Marie Miyashiro
Words that work in business by Ike Lasater

Scroll down to see all...
Featured Article
Self-Management = More Joy at Work

The success of any business depends on people working together to accomplish tasks that support the organization in achieving its purpose. As documented in this study, this is most likely to occur when the quality of relationships and communication between people is high and individuals are thriving.
Most people I know set a fairly low bar in terms of their expectations for their work experience. If you “like” your work that’s considered good. How many would say their work gives them joy---or empowerment, inspiration, creativity or energy? I believe every workplace can have that kind of satisfaction and joy: the en-joyment of working with colleagues in a collaborative and respectful way, achieving results that are meaningful, connecting, and with life-work balance. READ MORE

"We want people to change because they see better ways of meeting
their needs at less cost, not because of fear that we are going to
punish them, or guilt them if they don’t. This applies to ourselves
as well.~ Marshall B. Rosenberg

This Month's Specials
Special #1

Profound Connection is Just a Conversation Away!

In this fully revised second edition, Dr. Dian Killian and Dr. Jane Marantz Connor offer a comprehensive and accessible guide for exploring the concepts, applications, and transformative power of the Nonviolent Communication process. Discover simple, yet transformative skills to create a life of abundance, where building the personal, professional and community connections you long for begins with a simple shift in thinking.

Now with an expanded selection of broadly applicable exercises, roleplays, and activities that challenge readers to immediately apply the concepts in every day life, this new edition opens the authors' insight to an even broader audience. Detailed and comprehensive, this combined book and workbook enhances communication skills by introducing the basic NVC model, as well as more advanced NVC practices.

Relevant, meaningful exercises follow each concept, giving readers the chance to immediately apply the skills they've learned to real life experiences.

Drawing on a combined 25 years of experience, the authors help readers to:

  • Transform negative self-talk into self empowerment
  • Foster trust and collaboration when stakes are high
  • Establish healthy relationships to satisfy your needs
  • Defuse anger, enemy images, and other barriers to connection
  • Get what you want while maintaining respect and integrity

What People are Saying:
"Connecting Across Differences has changed how I approach my work and life. Using empathy to connect with my feelings and needs and with the feelings and needs of the people around me has made me happier and more effective. Jane and Dian, thank you for guiding me on this journey." --ROBERT MCGUIRE, Executive Director, Merck, Inc.

"Dian Killian is remarkable woman with a great message that brings wisdom to the field of nonviolence." --HOWARD GLASSER, author, Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach

"Connecting Across Differences capacitates learners with essential personal and interpersonal skills and knowledge needed to nurture and build a culture of peace. Killian and Connor's thoughtfully constructed guidebook opens doors to the possibility for authentic dialogue between self and others and illuminates multiple paths to living with integrity. This book should be on the shelf of every peacemaker." --TONY JENKIS, Director of Education, National Peace Academy

"Having taught Nonviolent Communication for many years, it seems to me that this book covers every question that I have had myself or been asked about how to learn and integrate this simple yet challenging re-frame of communication with self and others. I am grateful to Dian and Jane for this contribution to the field of applied nonviolence." --KIT MILLER, Director, M.K. Gandhi Institute For Nonviolence

In each chapter, numerous exercises invite readers to apply NVC skills and concepts in their own lives. The second part features extensive dialogues illustrating NVC in action including in self-empathy, empathy and mediation. The book closes with a resource guide for further learning and an interview with Marshall Rosenberg from the February 2003 Sun Magazine.
List Price: $19.95 
Book 4.99
 eBook 3.99
Connecting Across Differences Podcasts
by Dian Killian, PhD

Six incredible podcasts about having greater empathy for yourself and others, and how to hear others more deeply and make sure that you’ve been heard. Episodes are available here: https://workcollaboratively.com/podcast/ 
Or on iTunes.
NVC Quotes

“Let’s not worry about what to do until we are connected at the heart level.” 
​​​​​​​~ Marshall B Rosenberg
Special #2​​​​​​​

"Breakthrough thinking from cover to cover.
The Empathy Factor will help thoughtful business people add substance and dimension to relationships within the Workforce and with colleagues and customers." -JAMES B. HAYES, Former Publisher, FORTUNE Magazine

In this groundbreaking book, award-winning communication and organizational strategist Marie Miyashiro explores the missing element leaders must employ to build profits and productivity in the new economy—Empathy.

Building from the latest research in brain science, emotional intelligence, and organizational theory, Miyashiro offers both real-world insight and a practical framework to bring the transformative power of empathy to your entire organization.

Miyashiro's approach combines more than 26 years of experience advising for-profit companies, government agencies, and nonprofits to substantially improve their organizational communication with a proven, world-renowned process from the largest empathy-based community in the world.

The Empathy Factor takes Dr. Marshall Rosenberg's work developing Compassionate Communication into the business community by introducing Integrated Clarity®—a powerful framework you can use to understand and effectively meet the critical needs of your organization without compromising those of your employees or customers.

What People are Saying:

"The Empathy Factor should be required reading for any manager or supervisor."
BILL MOORE, Senior Vice President, Ipitek Corporation; Former Vice President and General Manager, Ortel Corporation; Former Corporate Marketing Manager, Hewlett-Packard

"Marie has taken the widely heralded virtue of empathy and made it very accessible with numerous pragmatic strategies and tools. A must-read for any emerging leader!"
ULRICH NETTESHEIM, Managing Partner, Passages Consulting; Lecturer at Haas School of Business at University of California Berkeley; Founder, Umanity

"In The Empathy Factor, I see immediate applications for anyone who works as a consultant to organizations, whether for-profit, nonprofit, or social enterprise. Marie embodies the capacity to relate to ourselves with compassion as we create possibilities for alternate futures to emerge."
CATHERINE W. BROOKER, M.A., Founder and Principal Consultant, Social Futures Group; Former Senior Organization Development Consultant at Sun Microsystems

"I agree: the payoffs of putting this value into practice are huge—capacity to innovate, resilience under pressure, and overall organizational effectiveness—are within much easier reach, thanks to the wisdom provided in this wonderful book."
SAM KANER, Ph.D. Author, Consultant, Expert in Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration, Founder of the San Francisco-based International Consulting Firm, Community At Work

Marie Miyashiro, APR, is the founder and president of Elucity Network, Inc., an empathy-based consulting and training firm based in Tucson, Arizona. Since 1985, Miyashiro has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, nonprofits, universities, and government agencies in the United States and Asia. Learn more at: www.EmpathyFactorAtWork.com
List Price: $19.95 
Book 4.99
 eBook 3.99
When people need empathy the most, they’re likely to ask for it in the way
​​​​​​​ they’re least likely to receive it. ~Marshall B Rosenberg
Article #2
Impact Assessment 
Collaborative Communication
by Dian Killian, PhD

The success of any business depends on people working together to accomplish tasks that support the organization in achieving its purpose. As documented in this study, this is most likely to occur when the quality of relationships and communication between people is high and individuals are thriving.
People working together effectively can support the right tasks getting done, greater efficiency and higher quality. Directing resources to improving these foundational aspects of business functioning has the potential for major payoffs.
NVC Quote

There will be no solutions until both sides connect to each others’ needs.
Marshall B Rosenberg
Special #3

Do You Want to be Happier, More Effective and Experience Less Stress at Work?
Do you wish for more respectful work relationships? To move beyond gossip and power struggles to improved trust and productivity? If you've ever wondered if just one person can positively affect work relationships and company culture, regardless of your position, this book offers a resounding "yes".

The key is shifting how we think, and talk.Former attorney-turned-mediator, Ike Lasater, offers practical communication skills matched with recognizable work scenarios to help anyone address the most common workplace relationship challenges.

Learn proven communication skills to:
  • Enjoy your workday more
  •  Effectively handle difficult conversations
  • Reduce workplace conflict and stress
  •  Improve individual and team productivity
  • Be more effective at meetings
  • Give and receive meaningful feedback

Ike Lasater, J.D., MCP, is a former attorney and cofounder of Words That Work, a consulting and training firm helping organizations achieve results through better communication and collaboration (www.wordsthatwork.us). He has worked with individuals and organizations in the US, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland and Sri Lanka. He is a former board member for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California, and the co-founder of the Yoga Journal magazine.

List Price: $12.95 
Book 3.99
 eBook 2.99
Article #3
Eight crucial tools for effective collaboration and communication
by Dian Killian, PhD

Ninja managers---who are highly effective and responsive--know how to communicate and collaborate well and to model these
behaviors for others. Responsiveness, accountability, clarity, openness and trust are all indicators of a team that collaborates well.

Here are eight tools that I consider crucial:

1. Self­-Manage to Manage Others A key element in effective management is navigating and managing your own responses, especially in challenging situations. How
self-­connected are you and aware of your own tone, body ­language, and words ­­and your own feelings and needs? When disappointed, frustrated or irritated, how do you use this awareness for self­-connection to respond skillfully? 
NVC Event

Starts September 14th - Register Now
​​​​​​​Early Bird Pricing Extended through September 7th

Dian Killian, PhD
President, Work Collaboratively, LLC
Certified Trainer, global Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC)
Certified Life Coach (Graduate, Coaching for Transformation Program)
Business communication resource
From Dian Killian
It resource is meant as a starting place to support anyone who wishes to engage in a process of deepening self-discovery and to facilitate greater understanding and connection between people.
© Sven Hartenstein.(used with permission)

A participant in one of my workshops told me about the work Eva Musby (based in the UK) is doing to support parents of children and teenagers with anorexia and other eating disorders. Eva's work includes a big focus on NVC alongside some other practical tools. 
She began this work by writing a book from her own experience as a parent. My workshop participant - whose daughter was in hospital with anorexia - told me this was the first book she had read about anorexia that truly helped her.
I feel very touched and impressed by what I have heard about Eva's work - and would like many, many people to benefit from it.
Do pass on her details to any parents you know who are in this painful and challenging situation. 
Eva’s website is full of helpful resources: www.evamusby.co.uk


Eddie Zacapa is an NVC trainer based in the US. I recently heard about his work and it connects with a longing I’ve had - for compassionate programmes that support the ‘aggressor’ to change their behaviour.
From his website: "Eddie Zacapa has worked in the domestic violence field for over 12 years. He developed a year-long court-approved NVC-based batterers' program with an amazing 0% recidivism after 5 years (no one returned to using violence at home)."
If you happen to work in the field of domestic violence, or know someone else who does, do check this out, or pass this on: www.ezacapa.com