With Great Sadness and Incredible Gratitude…

Published: Mon, 11/07/16

Celebrating His Life – Mourning Our Loss
With heavy heart, I want to share the news that our beloved Neill Gibson has passed away from cancer. For almost twenty years, Neill worked every day to make PuddleDancer Press the best we could be. We will continue working to maintain the standards he set. Neill was not only my partner in work, he was my best friend, my role model and advisor. He is my hero. I have never met anyone with such integrity. Words cannot describe how much I will miss him. 

Please don't wait to tell those you love, you love them and why.

“Make a list—think of gratitude you haven’t expressed.” 
- Marshall Rosenberg 

In Memory of Neill Gibson
1953 - 2016
One of our NVC certified trainers Sura Hart spoke beautifully about how when she heard of Neill's passing she experienced at such a deep level why Celebration and Mourning are so closely connected. She was facilitating a workshop in China (now in Hong Kong,) when a participant ask why Mourning is a need, and why, in our Need cards, we put Mourning and Celebration on the same card. She answered by sharing how these two "needs" were living in her at that moment..... how in one moment she felt deep sadness and grief for the loss of her friend, Neill, and in the same or the next moment she felt an upswelling of joy and gratitude for the many gifts he gave—a life of integrity, commitment, hard work and generosity. 

​​​​​​​Mourning. Celebration.

Neill dedicated his life to the dream of a world that works for everyone. And he went far beyond dreaming; Neill was a visionary, a strategic thinker, and a seemingly tireless do-er—a powerful combination.

Neill’s accomplishments were many.  In addition to his work as Marshall’s publicist and with PuddleDancer Press, Neill co-authored books. The titles include, What’s Making You Angry? and three books in The Marriage Guide Series. Neill co-created and co-facilitated with his wife, Beth Banning, the personal development courses,  The Art of Conscious Connection, Pathway to Personal Freedom, and The Shocking Truth About Loving. In 2016, Neill and Beth started the Incite Coaching Academy and began certifying coaches—something, Beth says, Neill was incredibly excited about.

Neill was devoted to his family, which includes three grown children of his own, Denise, Micah, and Daniel and Beth’s son, Spenser, whom Neill helped raise.
In the NVC community there was an outpouring of just such love and respect – we would like to share some of that with you.

From Gary Baran, CNVC Trainer, former executive director of CNVC:

I am so sad to learn of the death of Neill Gibson. I first began working with Neill and Meiji in 1998 when I was executive director of CNVC and prior to the publication of Marshall’s book (in 1999). Our initial contact was related to acquiring t​he rights to the book from another publisher who had recently suffered a heart attack and was not able to publish the book in a timely manner.  Marshall and I were greatly relieved that PuddleDancer Press was able to do so. 

From the beginning of our relationship I was confident that Meiji and Neill could be trusted to do everything in their power to insure that Marshall’s book would have the greatest possible impact in the world. I always appreciated the care and integrity Neill demonstrated in working out various logistic and legal details related to the various NVC books Puddledancer published and the generosity of Neill and Meiji in giving away large numbers of books for NVC work in prisons.  Neill’s contribution to the spread of NVC cannot be overestimated.

From Dian Killian, CNVC trainer, PuddleDancer Press author​:

My life/experiences in NVC are so intertwined with my experiences/interactions with Neill, going back nearly 20 years now, to his, in my opinion, visionary way of handling press for Marshall (when I did interviews with 
Marshall) to his tireless work with PuddleDancer, which I experienced as a PD author.

For me he was, along with Meiji, the driving force behind PuddleDancer and my go to for questions and support. Neill reminds me, through his actions, that social change is often in the small details. It is the oil that makes everything happening on a larger scale possible. And I think Neill had that vision, and was willing to put in the work of every-day social change to make his dreams for the world breathe life.
In honor of Neill we would like to offer his
​​​​​​​What's Making You Angry eBook
at no charge until Nov 30th 
Have you struggled to manage your anger in constructive ways? Have other anger management techniques left you suppressing these emotions, rather than discover what they’re really telling you?
What’s Making You Angry offers a different, and highly effective approach to conflict management.
When we're angry, we tend to get caught up in moralistic judgments about the wrongness of the other person's behavior. As the tension builds, most anger management technique teach us to control our anger before it leads to behavior we'll regret.
In this concise booklet, you'll learn to view anger as a life-enriching emotion that can wake us up to what we need and value. Neill Gibson and Shari Klein offer a powerful, step-by-step approach to transform anger and find healthy, mutually satisfying outcomes.
Discover 3 things that are really happening when you’re angry:
  • You're upset because you're not getting your needs met
  • You're blaming someone or something else for not getting what you want
  • You're about to speak or act in a way that guarantees you will not get what you want
Learn 10 Steps to Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins, and finally deal with your anger constructively. If you're an anger management counselor or teach anger management classes, this booklet will give you a fresh and life-changing approach to enhance your techniques.
Neill Gibson, co-author of What's Making You Angry?, has partnered with Beth Banning to create the personal growth and self-help websites: FocusedAttention.com. They offer experiential seminars, eCourses, and consulting services that support developing the underlying consciousness of the NVC process, but complemented with a unique blend of additional insights, principles and practices.
Shari Klien, co-author of What's Making You Angry?, is a long-time supporter helping the NVC community in the Los Angeles area.
Get Youy FREE Copy Now
For those of you who need something other than a PDF, please download your desired format here for $0.25. Why $0.25, because our shopping cart does not allow for free gifts. :o( http://nonviolentcommunication.com/store/whats-making-angry-ebook-p-77.html 