Don't Miss the Deadline...

Published: Sun, 12/11/16

 We at PuddleDancer Press wish you and your loved ones a happy, peaceful, compassionate and fulfilling holiday season.
Buy Your Holiday Specials Before December 12th
Special #1 The Perfect Holiday Gift

366 inspirational daily meditations to ground you in the power of compassionate, conscious living.

In this gathering of wisdom, Mary Mackenzie empowers you to change the course of your life for the better. With each of the daily meditations, you'll learn new ways of viewing familiar, everyday situations and discover tools to transform those situations into opportunities for connection and personal growth.

Peaceful Living goes beyond daily affirmations, providing the skills and NVC consciousness you need to transform relationships, heal pain, and discover the life behind the most trying situations. Begin each day centered and connected to yourself and your values.

In each meditation, learn practical skills to:

  • Create an empowered, purposeful life free of fear, shame or guilt
  • Deepen your emotional connections with your partner, colleagues, family and friends
  • Live authentically by honestly expressing your feelings and needs
  • Ground yourself daily in the values of compassion
  • Free yourself from destructive emotional patterns
  • Be your best spiritual teacher

Mary Mackenzie is a certified NVC trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), is the creator of the online NVC Learning Academy, and the executive director of the Flagstaff Center for Compassionate Communication, a nonprofit peacemaking organization. She teaches transformational thinking, speaking, and listening skills to individuals, couples, families, and children to empower them in their relationships.

Sample Meditation

Due to inclement weather Peaceful Living (the print version) is not available at our fulfillment center in time for holiday shopping. It is available from Amazon at their pricing. Our regrets that we are unable to offer this beautiful book at our special PDP holiday pricing. We can, however, offer it to you at $3.95 as an ebook

List Price: $19.95 
eBook 3.95
Special #2​​​​​​​

Most of us walk through life with thinking and language that stands as a concrete block between what we want and what we actually get. We stand alienated from ourselves, unaware of what we're feeling, what we want and how to get it. We function on autopilot, putting our personal and intimate relationships dead last behind work, family and other life responsibilities. ​​​​​​​And we react to loved ones, family and coworkers in ways that further alienate us, keeping us from experiencing the quality of relationships that we all deserve.

Being Genuine brings Thomas d'Ansembourg's blockbuster French title to the English market. His work offers you a fresh new perspective on the proven skills offered in the best-selling book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. ​​​​​

Drawing on his own real-life examples and stories, d'Ansembourg provides practical skills and concrete steps that allow us to safely remove the masks we wear, which prevent the intimacy and satisfaction we desire with our intimate partners, children, parents, friends, family, and colleagues.

With this fresh, new perspective on communication learn to:
  • Safely remove the masks we hide behind
  • Overcome past prejudices and conditioned beliefs
  • Purge your thinking and language of anything that generates conflict
  • Accept responsibility for your feelings and actions
  • Transform the fears that block us from connecting with others
  • Create the space you need to connect with loved ones or colleagues
  • Practice unconditional love each day

Based in Belgium, Thomas d'Ansembourg is a former lawyer and legal advisor, and has worked for over a decade managing support to at-risk youth. First published in French in 2001, Being Genuine is now a European bestseller with more than 200,000 copies in print. Being Genuine has also received the 2003 Festival of Authors of Psychology of Nimes Award.

List Price: $17.95 
Book 4.95
 eBook 3.95
Special #3

Eating is a basic human need. But for those caught in cycles of over-consumption, emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting, it can often be a misguided stand-in for other unmet needs, like emotional fulfillment.

When we’ve reconnected to our actual nutritional needs, however, consumption habits turn into choices, leading to greater personal freedom.

Combining expert dietary wisdom with the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), this handbook teaches you how to Eat by Choice, Not by Habit by changing the way you see food and your food choices. Rather than a prescriptive fad diet, readers learn to dig deeper to the emotional consciousness that underlies our eating patterns.

"Face Your Stuff, or Stuff Your Face"
- AnonymousFind practical strategies to break out of unhealthy eating cycles by becoming aware of your real needs in the moment. Learn to enjoy the tastes, smells and sensations of healthful eating once again.

Sylvia Haskvitz is a registered dietitian and certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She has offered seminars to numerous organizations including Head Start, Child and Family Resources, Health Net and St. Mary’s Hospital. Her monthly column, “Finding the ‘Right’ Words,” is published by Tucson West Publishing. Her essay, “Enemy Images” was recently published in the book, Healing Our Planet, Healing Ourselves. She has also directed and produced a weekly radio program and hosted a television show. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

List Price: $10.95 
Book 3.95 
 eBook 2.95
Special #4

Many of us crave a richer and more meaningful connection to the Divine, and at the same time find it hard to apply the dictates of our faith, like turning our other cheek, avoiding judgments or loving our enemy.

According to Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D., our most basic spiritual need is to contribute to the well being of others and ourselves.

His brief, unscripted reflections on the spiritual basis of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) will inspire you not only to connect with the Divine in yourself and others, but to begin to create a world of empathy and compassion, where the language we use is the key to enriching life.

Discover an intensely satisfying and joyful spiritual experience that begins with you.

In these rich pages, learn how NVC can help you achieve a more practical, applied spirituality.

Practical Spirituality will help you:
  • Strengthen the connection between your actions and your spiritual values
  • Let go of enemy images and moralistic judgments, to connect to our common humanity
  • Overcome cultural conditioning that blocks empathy and promotes violence
  • Care for your own needs-a crucial first step toward willingly giving to others
  • Connect with others from a place of compassionate energy
List Price: $8.95 
Book 2.95
 eBook 1.95