Book Specials End Soon!

Published: Wed, 11/22/17

November Specials
Special #1
Being Genuine: Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real
by Thomas d'Ansembourg

Most of us walk through life with thinking and language that stands as a concrete block between what we want and what we actually get. We stand alienated from ourselves, unaware of what we're feeling, what we want and how to get it. We function on autopilot, putting our personal and intimate relationships dead last behind work, family and other life responsibilities. And we react to loved ones, family and coworkers in ways that further alienate us, keeping us from experiencing the quality of relationships that we all deserve.

Being Genuine brings Thomas d'Ansembourg's blockbuster French title to the English market. His work offers you a fresh new perspective on the proven skills offered in the best-selling book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. Drawing on his own real-life examples and stories, d'Ansembourg provides practical skills and concrete steps that allow us to safely remove the masks we wear, which prevent the intimacy and satisfaction we desire with our intimate partners, children, parents, friends, family, and colleagues.

With this fresh, new perspective on communication learn to:
  • Safely remove the masks we hide behind
  • Overcome past prejudices and conditioned beliefs
  • Purge your thinking and language of anything that generates conflict
  • Accept responsibility for your feelings and actions
  • Transform the fears that block us from connecting with others
  • Create the space you need to connect with loved ones or colleagues
  • Practice unconditional love each day
Based in Belgium, Thomas d'Ansembourg is a former lawyer and legal advisor, and has worked for over a decade managing support to at-risk youth. First published in French in 2001, Being Genuine is now a European bestseller with more than 200,000 copies in print. Being Genuine has also received the 2003 Festival of Authors of Psychology of Nimes Award.
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Retail Price: $17.95
Our List Price: $12.55
Book: $6
​​​​​​​eBook: $5
Special #2​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Speak Peace in a World of Conflict: What You Say Next Will Change Your World
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

In every interaction, every conversation and in every thought, you have a choice — to promote peace or perpetuate violence. International conflict management expert, peacemaker, mediator and healer, Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg shows you how the language you use is the key to enriching life. Take the first step to reduce violence, heal pain, resolve conflicts and spread peace on our planet — by developing an internal consciousness of peace rooted in the language you use each day.

Speak Peace is filled with inspiring stories, lessons and ideas drawn from over 40 years of mediating conflicts and healing relationships in some of the most war torn, impoverished, and violent corners of the world. Speak Peace offers insight, practical skills, and powerful tools that will profoundly change your relationships and the course of your life for the better.

Discover how you can create an internal consciousness of peace as the first step toward effective personal, professional, and social change. Find complete chapters on the mechanics of Nonviolent Communication, effective conflict resolution, transforming business culture, transforming enemy images, addressing terrorism, transforming authoritarian structures, expressing and receiving gratitude, and social change.

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Retail Price: $15.95
List Price: $11.15
Book: $5
eBook: $4
Special #3
Words That Work in Business: A Practical Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace
by Ike Lasater, with Julie Stiles


Do You Want to be Happier, More Effective and Experience Less Stress at Work?

Do you wish for more respectful work relationships? To move beyond gossip and power struggles to improved trust and productivity? If you've ever wondered if just one person can positively affect work relationships and company culture, regardless of your position, this book offers a resounding "yes". The key is shifting how we think, and talk.

Former attorney-turned-mediator, Ike Lasater, offers practical communication skills matched with recognizable work scenarios to help anyone address the most common workplace relationship challenges. Learn proven communication skills to:
  • Enjoy your workday more
  • Effectively handle difficult conversations
  • Reduce workplace conflict and stress
  • Improve individual and team productivity
  • Be more effective at meetings
  • Give and receive meaningful feedback

Ike Lasater, J.D., MCP, is a former attorney and cofounder of Words That Work, a consulting and training firm helping organizations achieve results through better communication and collaboration ( He has worked with individuals and organizations in the US, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland and Sri Lanka. He is a former board member for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California, and the co-founder of the Yoga Journal magazine.
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Retail Price: $12.95
List Price: $9.05
Book: $4
eBook: $3
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