Making Your New Year's Resolutions a Reality! and much more | NVC Quick Connect January 2018

Published: Wed, 01/03/18

Nonviolent Communication 
Making Your New Year's Resolutions a Reality! and much more
NVC Quick Connect January 2018
Please only read what is of interest to you. We have many subscribers that have many different interests.
What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:
*Note these articles were written in the last few years but the message applies to all of us year after year*
  • Making Your New Year's Resolutions a Reality! By Beth Banning and Neill Gibson
  • Setting New Year's Resolutions You're Likely to Meet, by Tiffany Meyer
  • How to Start Living Your True Potential in 2018: Steps to Move beyond Judgments and Live Your Best Life in the New Year, by Mary Mackenzie
  • Nonviolent Communication TEDxTalk, by Yoram Mosenzon
Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg
Other Good Stuff
  • May You Be a Blessing, by Tami Simon
  • Thich Nhat Hanh (Pinterest) Great quotes with images
  • Almost NVC Cartoon
  • Compassion in Action - 15 Ways to Spread Kindness
  • Song - Shania Twain- Life’s About To Get Good
  • Talk It Out Radio shares NVC and Mindfulness for Social Justice on KPFA in Berkeley, California. I host with Marlena Willis and Nancy Kahn.
NVC Facebook and Yahoo! Groups
January Book Specials
Four book specials from PuddleDancer Press
Scroll down to see all...
"Is there anything more fun than to contribute to others’ well-being?"
~ Marshall Rosenberg 
Featured Article
Making Your New Year's Resolutions a Reality!
By Beth Banning and Neill Gibson

In January it's traditional to make New Year's resolutions. You plan to go to the gym, get into great physical shape, earn more money, improve a troubled relationship, or get along better with your family members.

But you suspect that in a few days or weeks you'll get tired of making the effort and your good intentions will disappear. Would you like to improve your chances of making your resolutions stick?
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"Most of us grew up speaking a language that encourages us to label, compare, demand, and pronounce judgments rather than to be aware of what we are feeling and needing."
~ Marshall Rosenberg
Article #2
Setting New Year's Resolutions You're Like to Meet
By Tiffany Meyer

Have you become a pessimist about setting resolutions for the new year — believing they’re a waste of time? Maybe you’re discouraged because inevitably a few weeks into January, the resolutions are forgotten, or you’re frustrated because you’re already off track? Make 2010 different. Follow these steps to create resolutions as a family that WILL be fulfilled.

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"The goal of this life isn't to be perfect but to be progressively less stupid."
~ Marshall Rosenberg
Article #3
How to Start Living Your True Potential in 2018: Steps to Move Beyond Judgement and Live Your Best Life in the New Year
By Mary Mackenzie​​​​​​​

Do you ever find yourself in the same emotional landscape over and over again? Okay, sure, the scenery and faces around you might be different, but sometimes does the way you feel - that tangible sense of dissatisfaction - seem all too familiar. Could it be heredity? Karma? A result of your childhood?

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"Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way."
​​​​​​​~Marshall Rosenberg
Nonviolent Communication TEDxTalk!

I feel proud and grateful when I see my NVC trainer deliver this Ted Talk. He is the person that inspired me to want to share Nonviolent Communication with the world. And I am happy with this introduction, which I receive as a concise, yet very complete explanation of what Marshall Rosenberg’s legacy is all about. Which I can now easily share with others in hope of inspiring them too. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching this TEDxTalk and which brings me a lot of inspiration, hope and new insights upon every new viewing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
"A need is life seeking expression within us."

​​​​​​​~ Marshall Rosenberg
Other Good Stuff
May You Be a Blessing​​​​​​​
by Tami Simon

Dear Sounds True friends,
A few years ago, a Sounds True producer and I had a lovely dinner in an author's home. Afterwards, we received the following text from the author: "It was great seeing you both. May you be a blessing."

That wish, "May you be a blessing," has stuck with me.

We often send blessings or even sign a note "With blessings," but what does it mean to be a blessing?

For me, it has something to do with our true heart's motivation and how we conduct ourselves—the way we ourselves can always be a gift to other people.

Recently, I had the honor to interview an 81-year-old Benedictine nun, Sister Joan Chittister, for the Sounds True podcast (watch the full interview). Sister Joan defines contemplation as seeing the world the way God sees the world. In our interview, I asked Sister Joan to help me understand this. Her response was, "That's easy, Tami. Look through the eyes of love. What would love do?"

I thought to myself, "That doesn't sound as easy to me as Sister Joan describes it." For me, that type of contemplation is a great work. It is the work of being a blessing.

Often in my own life, people have been blessings through what might appear to be quite small gestures—a surprising kind word or taking a few extra moments to really listen. Sometimes the blessings are bigger—genuinely accepting an apology, cutting me slack when I was going through a difficult time, or giving me honest feedback in a nonjudgmental way. Such blessings, no matter the size or scale, can have huge impacts. They show us how generous of spirit we each can be, and how deeply we can touch each other.

o, this holiday season, may you be a blessing! It might just be the most powerful gift we each can give.

With a tender heart,

Tami Simon

Other Good Stuff
Thich Nhat Hanh Pinterest Topics
Compassion in Action

15 Easy Ways to Spread Kindness

by Sara Schairer

Adding a dose of compassion to someone else’s day not only uplifts their spirits, but makes you feel happier, too. And while most of us intend to be compassionate beings every day, our hectic schedules and busy lives can often get in the way of simply being kind to one another.

The amazing thing though, is that even the smallest, most simple gesture can brighten someone’s day and make you feel more connected to others. Check out these 15 quick and easy ways to sprinkle compassion into your day—even the busiest person on the planet will be able to fit these onto the calendar. Take note of what happens when you introduce these small acts of compassion into your life.

Caution: Some "side-effects" of compassion may include lifted spirits, a feeling of connection to those around you, greater mindfulness, and reduced depression.
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Song - Shania Twain - Life's About to Get Good​​​​​​​

Talk It Out Radio shares NVC and Mindfulness for Social Justice on KPFA in Berkeley, California.

I host with Marlena Willis and Nancy Kohn
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A precious meaningful poem

By *Rashmi Trivedi *
Author of *Woman everything will be fine!*

Sometimes in the dark of the night
I visit my conscience
To see if it is still breathing
For its dying a slow death
Every day.

When I pay for a meal in a fancy place
An amount which is perhaps the monthly income
Of the guard who holds the door open
And quickly I shrug away that thought
It dies a little

When I buy vegetables from the vendor
And his son "chhotu" smilingly weighs the potatoes
Chhotu, a small child, who should be studying at school
I look the other way
It dies a little.

When I am decked up in a designer dress
A dress that cost a bomb
And I see a woman at the crossing
In tatters,trying unsuccessfully to save her dignity
And I immediately roll up my window
It dies a little

When at Christmas I buy expensive gifts for my children
On return, I see half clad children
With empty stomach and hungry eyes
Selling Santa caps at red light
I try to salve my conscience by buying some, yet
It dies a little

When my sick maid sends her daughter to work
Making her bunk school
I know I should tell her to go back
But I look at the loaded sink and dirty dishes
And I tell myself that is just for a couple of days
It dies a little

When I give my son the freedom
To come home late from a party
And yet when my daughter asks
I tell her it is not safe
I raise my voice when she questions why
It dies a little

When I hear about a rape
or a murder of a child,
I feel sad, yet a little thankful that it's not my child
I can not look at myself in the mirror
It dies a little

When people fight over caste creed and religion
I feel hurt and helpless
I tell myself that my country is going to the dogs
I blame the corrupt politicians
Absolving myself of all responsibilities
It dies a little

When my city is choked
Breathing is dangerous in the smog ridden Delhi
I take my car to work daily
Not taking the metro,not trying car pool
One car won't make a difference, I think
It dies a little

So when in the dark of the night
I visit my conscience
And find it still breathing
I am surprised
For, with my own hands
Daily, bit by bit, I bury it.

January Book Specials
Special #1
Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing and Compassion
by Mary Mackenzie

366 inspirational daily meditations to ground you in the power of compassionate, conscious living.

In this gathering of wisdom, Mary Mackenzie empowers you to change the course of your life for the better. With each of the daily meditations, you'll learn new ways of viewing familiar, everyday situations and discover tools to transform those situations into opportunities for connection and personal growth.

Peaceful Living goes beyond daily affirmations, providing the skills and NVC consciousness you need to transform relationships, heal pain, and discover the life behind the most trying situations. Begin each day centered and connected to yourself and your values. Direct the course of your life toward your deepest hopes and needs.

In each meditation, learn practical skills to:
  • Create an empowered, purposeful life free of fear, shame or guilt
  • Deepen your emotional connections with your partner, colleagues, family and friends
  • Live authentically by honestly expressing your feelings and needs
  • Ground yourself daily in the values of compassion
  • Free yourself from destructive emotional patterns
  • Be your best spiritual teacher
Mary Mackenzie is a certified NVC trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), is the creator of the online NVC Learning Academy, and the executive director of the Flagstaff Center for Compassionate Communication, a nonprofit peacemaking organization. She teaches transformational thinking, speaking, and listening skills to individuals, couples, families, and children to empower them in their relationships.
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Retail Price: $19.95
Our List Price: $13.55
Book: $8
​​​​​​​eBook: $7
Special #2
Eat by Choice, Not by Habit: Practical Skills for Creating a Healthy Relationship With Your Body and Food
by Sylvia Haskvitz

"Face Your Stuff, or Stuff Your Face"
- Anonymous

Eating is a basic human need. But for those caught in cycles of over-consumption, emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting, it can often be a misguided stand-in for other unmet needs, like emotional fulfillment. When we’ve reconnected to our actual nutritional needs, however, consumption habits turn into choices, leading to greater personal freedom.

Combining expert dietary wisdom with the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), this handbook teaches you how to Eat by Choice, Not by Habit by changing the way you see food and your food choices. Rather than a proscriptive fad diet, readers learn to dig deeper to the emotional consciousness that underlies our eating patterns. Find practical strategies to break out of unhealthy eating cycles by becoming aware of your real needs in the moment. Learn to enjoy the tastes, smells and sensations of healthful eating once again.

Free Resources for Eat by Choice
Find free healthy recipes, upcoming Eat by Choice workshops, and author tips to bring consciousness to your eating experience at:

Sylvia Haskvitz is a registered dietitian and certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She has offered seminars to numerous organizations including Head Start, Child and Family Resources, Health Net and St. Mary’s Hospital. Her monthly column, “Finding the ‘Right’ Words,” is published by Tucson West Publishing. Her essay, “Enemy Images” was recently published in the book, Healing Our Planet, Healing Ourselves. She has also directed and produced a weekly radio program and hosted a television show. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.
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Retail Price: $8.95
Our List Price: $7.65
Book: $4
eBook: $3
Special #3​​​​​​​​​​​
Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids: 7 Keys to Turn Family Conflicts into Co-operation
by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson

Stop the Struggle! Find the Co-operation and Mutual Respect You Want!
Do more than simply correct bad behavior — finally unlock your parenting potential. Use this handbook to move beyond typical discipline techniques and begin creating an environment based on mutual respect, emotional safety, and positive, open communication.

Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids offers 7 Simple Keys to discover the mutual respect and nurturing relationships you've been looking for.

Use these 7 Keys to:
  • Set firm limits without using demands or coercion
  • Achieve mutual respect without being submissive
  • Successfully prevent, reduce and resolve conflicts
  • Empower your kids to open up, co-operate, and realize their full potential
  • Make your home a No-Fault Zone where trust thrives

Learn powerful, practical skills to:
  • Successfully handle disagreements or problem behaviors
  • Express yourself so you're heard and respected
  • Transform anger and conflict into cooperation and trust
  • Motivate your kids to willingly contribute
  • Create outstanding lifelong relationships with your kids
Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson are coauthors of The No-Fault Classroom, The Compassionate Classroom, and Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids. They bring to their work a combined forty-five years of teaching young people as well as teachers, administrators and parents in school communities. As co-founders of Kindle-Hart Communication. Sura and Victoria have been developing and facilitating parent- and teacher-education workshops together for more than 20 years.

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Retail Price: $17.95
List Price: $12.55
Book: $7
eBook: $6
Special #4
Speak Peace in a World of Conflict: What You Say Next Will Change Your World
by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

In every interaction, every conversation and in every thought, you have a choice — to promote peace or perpetuate violence. International conflict management expert, peacemaker, mediator and healer, Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg shows you how the language you use is the key to enriching life. Take the first step to reduce violence, heal pain, resolve conflicts and spread peace on our planet — by developing an internal consciousness of peace rooted in the language you use each day.

Speak Peace is filled with inspiring stories, lessons and ideas drawn from over 40 years of mediating conflicts and healing relationships in some of the most war torn, impoverished, and violent corners of the world. Speak Peace offers insight, practical skills, and powerful tools that will profoundly change your relationships and the course of your life for the better.

Discover how you can create an internal consciousness of peace as the first step toward effective personal, professional, and social change. Find complete chapters on the mechanics of Nonviolent Communication, effective conflict resolution, transforming business culture, transforming enemy images, addressing terrorism, transforming authoritarian structures, expressing and receiving gratitude, and social change.

International peacemaker, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., is the founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), author of Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, Life-Enriching Education, and several booklets.
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Retail Price: $15.95
List Price: $13.95
Book: $6
eBook: $3
© Sven Hartenstein.(used with permission)
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PuddleDancer Press