Absolute Required Reading to be a Human Being - If you Choose ;)
August 25, 2019
This book changed my life in so many ways I'm only just beginning to enumerate. I invite you to read it and recommend it so highly that I have given my copy to multiple friends. It provides an alternative way of thinking, feeling, and communicating in a world of conflict, anger, hate, and misunderstanding. It will feel very foreign at first, but that's because our world is only just barely beginning to ripen to
the wavelength of love and understanding. Once you read it and chew on it and practice with friends, you will align more and more with that loving wavelength and understand what I mean. I feel so incredible for having met it because it meets two crucial needs for me: Autonomy and Communication. Both at once.
The key to unlock what people are *really* trying to say.
August 20, 2019
I purchased this book from a reading list about the topic of building stronger relationships after a recent breakup. I love the practical takeaways this book provides as you explore a different way of looking and listening to what people are saying. Within days of completing this book I started receiving compliments on my ability to communicate at work, with my friends and with my family. Even difficult people
can be handled with greater ease and grace.
"Self-empathy in NVC means checking in with your own feelings and needs. The
number one rule of our training is empathy before education."
~Marshall Rosenberg
Featured Article
See Me Beautiful: The Positivity of Nonviolent Communication
Published on WorkCollaboratively.com
By Dian Killian, Collaborative Communication Trainer
When people ask me, “What is Nonviolent Communication (NVC)?” I have different ways of replying. At different times, I’ll describe as:
“A way to discover curiosity and unexpected creativity.”
“Being honest and authentic with connection.”
“Being heard and having confidence that you’re hearing others.”
Lately, though, I have become fascinated with what I like to call the “positivity” of NVC. The more I think about this aspect, the more I see it as core to what I consider NVC’s “magic.” This “positivity” is what makes NVC powerful and transformative.
"A difficult message to hear is an opportunity to enrich someone's
~Marshall Rosenberg
Understanding and Healing From Bullying, Giving and Receiving
Published on EmpathyBrain.com
By Sarah Peyton
Description: Sarah explores and shares about her personal experiences with being bullied and bullying others. Begin to see more and more of the complexity that humans hold as we try to make sense of the ways that we receive and cause harm. Learn a bit about the impact of trauma and what’s happening in our brains when we are hurt and then turn to hurt others.
1. Timing/Intention Do you have the spaciousness/presence to give empathy in this moment? What is your intention? Do you truly want to connect with the other person or correct them? Or, is your intention to get your own way?” (if your intention is anything other than connection, go to self-empathy)
2. If You are Defensive/Reactive/Triggered If you are stimulated and unable to feel the empathic connection, try a cool down, or let the other person know you are struggling with your reactions and will respond later.
3. Pause Stop whatever you are doing and give the other person your full attention.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own
~Dalai Lama
The Power of Empathy
From Chapter 8 of Nonviolent Communication 3rd Ed - A Language of Life
By Marshall Rosenberg
Carl Rogers described the impact of empathy on its recipients: “When . . . someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good! . . . When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to reperceive my world in a new way and to go on. It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens, how
confusions that seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard."
"Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to
~Dalai Lama
A Conversation and Reflection On Power
From one of our authors Sura Hart….a lively conversation and reflection on power between Brene Brown & Russell Brand. I imagine some of you will enjoy watching this:
We added a NVC 3rd print edition recently with an additional chapter on 'Conflict Resolution and Mediation'. This is not included in the Sounds True recording.
Affordable membership with a plethora of recordings.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Recommends Reading These 10 Books to Achieve Greatness
and NVC is listed as the #1 book!
Published on Business Insider
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
Books are a big part of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's life.
One book that influenced him was Marshall Rosenberg's "Nonviolent Communication," which he asked his top executives to read.
Below is a list of some of the books the CEO of the most valuable company in the world recommends.
The sheer number of books contained in Satya Nadella's corner office highlights how much he reads — both pages and screens are indispensable parts of his life. The CEO of Microsoft, the most valuable company in the world, grounds himself and Microsoft's culture on ideas he's learned thanks to his
reading habit. Nadella's time as CEO was initially shaped by Marshall Rosenberg's "Nonviolent Communication," which he asked his top executives
to read. This was the first indicator to senior leadership that Nadella would not operate like his predecessors. In his second earnings call, Nadella borrowed a phrase from Friedrich Nietzsche by saying that investors could expect "courage in the face of reality" from
"The world doesn't belong to leaders. The world belongs to all
~Dalai Lama
September 2019 Book Specials
NVC3 Book Special!
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
The best advertising for our main title seems to be through 'word of mouth'. We are hoping you might buy a book or two or more :) to gift to people you think might benefit from Nonviolent Communication.
Regular Price: $17.95
Sale Price: $4.00
What is Nonviolent Communication? Nonviolent Communication is the integration of four things:
• Consciousness: a set of principles that support living a life of compassion, collaboration, courage, and authenticity
• Language: understanding how words contribute to connection or distance
• Communication: knowing how to ask for what we want, how to hear others even in disagreement, and how to move toward solutions that work for all
• Means of influence: sharing "power with others" rather than using "power over others"
Nonviolent Communication serves our desire to do three things:
• Increase our ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection
• Connect empathically with self and others to have more satisfying relationships
• Sharing of resources so everyone is able to benefit.
Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD (1934–2015) founded and was for many years the Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international peacemaking organization. During his life he authored fifteen books, including the bestselling Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life (PuddleDancer Press), which has sold more than one million copies worldwide and has been translated
into more than 30 languages, with more translations in the works.Dr. Rosenberg has received a number of awards for his Nonviolent Communication work... Read more...
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 366 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations. Read one sample
Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
—Martin Luther King Jr.
The Jackal as a Teacher
In Compassionate Communication, we use the jackal as our metaphor for that part of us that is critical, judgmental, or self-righteous. We chose the jackal image because they walk low to the ground, tend to be more interested in satisfying themselves in the moment, and are less likely to consider the future ramifications of their actions. My inner jackal says things to me like: “Who do you think you are? You can’t do THAT! You are too
much—too intense, too demanding, too weak . . . ” Can you relate to this jackal? Or maybe you have your own version.
I used to ignore my own inner jackal because I thought it was mean and uncaring. Then, after much empathy, I started to realize that it holds wisdom for me. When it tells me that I’m too intense, I believe it is trying to protect me from rejection. When it tells me, “You can’t do that!,” I believe it is trying to protect me from the disappointment of failure. I may not enjoy its methods, but I now know that it has my best interests at
Do not think that ignoring your jackal will be healing. The more you ignore your jackal, the louder and fiercer it howls! Your jackal truly cares about your well-being. Hear it, empathize with it, learn its intentions, and create more satisfying strategies to meet your needs. This journey is filled with self-care, love, nurturing, and healing for both of you.
Pay attention to what your inner jackal has to teach you today.
If you would like to receive 366 free Peaceful Daily Meditations please sign up here. Your subscription is absolutely free, and you can unsubscribe from the series at any time.
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