New PuddleDancer Press NVC Resource Website Launched - Please Check Us Out - June Newsletter

Published: Tue, 06/16/20

  June 2020
NVC Monthly Newsletter


We have our brand new resource rich website covering over 35 categories/topics of interest and so much more. We are still working on this to add additional features and more valuable information to make it even more helpful. Please share with friends, family, colleagues and social groups, if you believe they might find value in this. We hope you agree. We welcome any and all feedback! Please stay safe and healthy for yourself, your loved one’s, for our first responders, for all of our front line workers and for everybody! Please visit us at

If you missed our special newsletter addressing racism and the current drive for racial equity, you may view it here.

PuddleDancer Press

What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:
  • Empathic, Powerful Responses to COVID-19 Inequities
  • "Letter for Parents"
  • Finding NVC as a Teacher
  • Nonviolent Communication for Empathy
  • Covid-19 Resources
  • Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse During COVID-19
  • Former NVC Nurse Shares About COVID-19 From the Front Lines
Book Specials
  • 50% OFF both full Retail and eBooks Price
    • Nonviolent Communication 3rd Edition
    • Nonviolent Communication Workbook
    • Connecting Across Differences
Distance Learning Opportunities
  • CNVC Worldwide Gathering June 26th & 27th
Book Excerpt - The Heart of Social Change
  • First 21 pages
  • Marshall Rosenberg on Resolving Conflicts
  • Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams(20 million views)
  • Compassion in Action: A patient's perspective - A heartwarming story
NVC in the News
  • Four NVC articles in the news
Inspirational and Fun Songs!
  • Three beautiful songs, one that we think Marshall would have thought captured the essence of NVC, as we do! We also included a funny fourth Covid song titled….. STAY HOME!
  • From our new website handout page
Laughter Is the Best Medicine COVID-19 Humor
  • Cartoonists Around the World Take On Corona Virus
Quotes From a Variety of Sources
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation
NVC Resources (scroll down to bottom)
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

"When I look at the world I'm pessimistic,
 but when I look at people I am optimistic."
Carl Rogers

Featured Articles
Empathic, Powerful Responses to COVID-19 Inequities by Roxy Manning

COVID-19 has been devastating for people across the United States. As I read news story after story, with each conversation I had with clients, students, friends, I realized our world would never be the same. And, even more despairingly, I saw some groups bear a greater burden in this pandemic than others...

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Letter to Parents by Victoria Kindle Hodson & Sura Hart

In this Time of Pause, we’re reminded of Marshall’s encouragement to “Take your time. It’s yours, you know.” This is one of many things we heard him say that jolted us to attention. Because while we know this intellectually—time is what we make of it—we often act as if time is out of our hands...

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Finding NVC as a Teacher by Gina Simm

In my first year of retirement I’m doing a lot of reflecting on my years as a teacher. One of the big decisions a retired teacher has to make is whether or not to substitute teach. This in itself is a driving force for reflection. The reason I came to the answer of no is simple; it’s too stressful...

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“As human beings our greatness is not so much in remaking the world...
as in remaking ourselves.”

Resources on the New Website
Nonviolent Communication for Empathy

When we use empathy in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), we support having high quality relationships, as well as the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
Colloquially, people talk about “giving empathy.” But technically we don’t “give” empathy. What we give is our full presence, with our entire being. As a result, the other person’s need for empathy, for being deeply understood, is fulfilled. Learning how to “offer empathy” — how to be present with our whole being so that the other person experiences being understood deeply — is one of the essential skill-sets we learn in NVC...

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Covid-19 Resources

The global pandemic has created a stressful situation health-wise, financially, and in terms of protracted uncertainty.
Nonviolent Communication and coronavirus are linked because many of us are self-isolating — or in full lockdown — at home with family, friends, or house-mates, or alone and in remote contact with those who are important to us.
Your quality of life depends greatly on the quality of these relationships, which in turn depend on the quality of the communication...

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June 2020 Book Specials NVC Books!
Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse During COVID-19
When "shelter in place" at home is not safe.

Collectively, we are experiencing trauma and facing our mortality. We are in unchartered waters, but what happens when “home” becomes unsafe? What happens if Mom or Dad relapse and become negligent parents? What happens if your spouse becomes abusive?
These "stay at home" orders can gravely impact intimate partner violence and childhood abuse, as not everyone's home is safe.
The workplace and school were once sanctuaries, where victims of violence can temporarily seek peace and safety. Still, now with everyone at home, the victims of abuse have no place to escape. COVID-19 has resulted in diminished community support and heightened levels of distress, which are factors that can worsen domestic abuse. Seeking safety, relying on the community, and attending support groups are more difficult during this quarantine...

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Former NVC Nurse Shares About COVID-19 From the Front Lines
by Melanie Sears

Toward the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, I received a text from the hospital I used to work for before I retired as a Registered Nurse five years previously. They wanted me to come back to work. I was excited to think that I could be useful in this time of need and that I could help sick people and also ease some staffing tension. I was also bored staying at home under social isolation and wanted to be in the thick of the human experience (sickness and health, life and death, hope, and despair). I started talking with some friends who still worked in health care and this is what I found out... The workplace and school were once sanctuaries, where victims of violence can temporarily seek peace and safety. Still, now with everyone at home, the victims of abuse have no place to escape. COVID-19 has resulted in diminished community support and heightened levels of distress, which are factors that can worsen domestic abuse. Seeking safety, relying on the community, and attending support groups are more difficult during this quarantine...

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"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit.
You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him."
Carl Rogers

Distance Learning Opportunities
CNVC Worldwide Gathering June 26th & 27th

Register for the Worldwide Gathering June 26 & 27
Visit for other trainings


"We have to wake up to the fact that everything is connected to everything else. Our safety and wellbeing cannot be individual matters anymore.  If "they" are not safe, there is no way that "we" can be safe. Taking care of other people's safety is taking care of our own safety. To take care of their well-being is to take care of our own well-being. It is the mind of discrimination and separation that is at the foundation of all violence and hate."
Thich Nhat Hanh

Book Excerpt
The Heart of Social Change

Read the excerpt here


“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless.
The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.”
Mother Theresa

Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links

Visit our Handouts Page

The Secret of Doing Easy Time
by Dorset Campbell-Ross

I have written a Lockdown Manual because I want to help people who are struggling with lockdown and isolation.
I was in boarding schools for 9 years, and in prison for three and half, so I have plenty of experience of lockdown. I learned lessons at that time that are very pertinent to the COVID-19 pandemic we are going through now - the most important being how to turn Hard Time into Easy Time. It's all about changing our mindset, and having done this, making choices that are most likely to meet our needs.

Watch a Short Video Intro Here 
Download the Guide Here 

Heart to Heart: Three Systems for Staying Connected:
A Manual for Parents and Teachers
by Gina Simm

Heart to Heart is written as a manual and meant to be used. Although some narrative is provided, there are charts, bullet points, lists, and templates to enable the creation of systems for the home and classroom. The purpose of these systems is to maintain our heart-to-heart connections. Our doubts as caregivers are inevitable. When those doubts kick in and we know we have a system to refer to, we can relax. We can relax because all the thinking, planning, preparing, and heartfelt wisdom that went into the creation of the systems beforehand is available to us now. With this manual at hand, when doubts and confusion arise in situations of conflict, we don't have to think it all through in the moment; that work has already been done. We can simply be available, with our open hearts, to the situation.


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“In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now.”
Wangari Maathai

Cartoonists Around the World Take On Corona Virus
Marshall Rosenberg on Resolving Conflicts
Compassion in Action: A Patient’s Perspective
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

"Only from the Heart can you touch the Sky"

NVC in the News!
Inspirational and Fun Songs!
Peaceful Living - Global Peace
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 366 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
Global peace.
Beginning from within,
One being at a time.
Because . . . YOUR PEACE COUNTS.
Be the cause of peace happening!
—Mackenzie Jordan

Make Peace in Your Life and Make Peace in the World
Every minute we focus on what we want, we manifest its appearance into our lives. I started my enlightenment journey eighteen years ago. At that time, I was in so much emotional pain that I couldn’t even imagine that peace was possible for me, and I certainly didn’t imagine that I could contribute to a peaceful world. I often found myself slipping back into old behaviors, indulging in what seemed like endless hours mourning over past behaviors and agonizing over my decisions. ...

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Sign Up for the 366 Daily Meditations

NVC - Additional Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Zig Ziglar


We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)

We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.

Please be safe!

PuddleDancer Press


