July 2021 Nonviolent Communication Newsletter

Published: Tue, 07/06/21

  July 2021
NVC Monthly Newsletter

We hope you find value in the resources we are providing today! We invite you to share with friends, family, colleagues, and others, if you believe they might also find value in this.

Our website covers over 35 different topics from an NVC perspective-all written by a senior certified trainer. Please read some to learn more.

If you are new to Nonviolent Communication please visit our page on the basics of Nonviolent Communication.

Our title Dementia Together written by Pati Bielak-Smith won two Gold Place Ben Franklin Awards in both Psychology and Self-Help.
Click here to see all of our books!

Please stay safe and healthy!


Thank you : )
PuddleDancer Press

What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:
You may click any section header to jump to that section. (This feature is not supported on all devices and email clients.)
  • Sensing the Needs of Others by Marshall Rosenberg
  • Put an end to the candy and time-out! Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for a life free of reward and punishment by Kathy Weber
  • Ten Tips for Non-Violent Communication by Paul Shippee
  • In Depth Book Review of Nonviolent Communication by Embrace Possibility Blog
  • Nonviolent Communication Skills at Work: How They Help
Book Specials
Compassion in Action
  • COMPASSION IN ACTION (Documentary Directed by Sashi Tandon)
Distance Learning Opportunities
  • NVC Academy
  • The Center for Nonviolent Communication Trainings
Book Excerpts
  • Collaborating in the Workplace - Chapter 1
  • Parenting From Your Heart - Chapter 1
  • Teaching Children Compassionately - Chapter 1
  • The Empathy Factor - Chapter 1
  • The Healing Power of Empathy - 3 Meaningful Stories
  • Words that Work in Business, 2nd Edition - Chapter 1
  • HANDOUT and full explanation of nvc - JULY 2021
  • ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons
  • PuddleDancer Press Cartoon
Some Marshallisms
  • Sourced from Liminal Somatics
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation
  • Being Present in This Moment
  • Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
  • Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers
  • List of 90+ NVC Facebook Groups
  • Cover Me In Sunshine - P!nk, Willow Sage Hart
  • Worldwide Beautiful - Kane Brown
  • Things To Do Today...
NVC Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)
Sensing the Needs of Others by Marshall Rosenberg

The approach to conflict resolution that I am describing requires not only that we learn to express our needs, but also that we assist others in clarifying their needs. We can train ourselves to hear needs being expressed through the messages of others, regardless of how others are expressing themselves.
I've taught myself to do this because I believe that every message, whatever its form or content, is an expression of a need. If we accept this assumption, we can train ourselves to sense what needs might be at the root of any particular message. Thus, if I ask someone a question about what they have just said, and they respond. "That's a stupid question," I choose to sense what the other person might need as expressed through that particular judgment of me. For example, I might guess that their need for understanding was not being fulfilled when I asked that particular question....

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Put an end to the candy and time-out! Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for a life free of reward and punishment by Kathy Weber

Reward and punishment are an inherent part of our society. For thousands of years, parents of children and educators who are responsible for them have praised the kids for desired behavior and penalized them for unwanted behavior. However, it is possible to do away with this using the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) approach as per Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Why reward and punishment negatively affects children:

  • It reinforces competitiveness in children. Our children are exposed to constant competitive thinking.
  • You don’t find out what’s really going on inside your child and how they are doing. You lose connection, understanding, closeness, and a great deal more.
  • The curiosity to find new solutions is nipped in the bud and the stimulus to advocate for oneself is lost.
  • Our child grows up in a dominant environment, learning that the strongest one wins! In this way, we are encouraging them to strive for power.


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Ten Tips for Non-Violent Communication by Paul Shippee

Non-defensive/Nonviolent Communication, also know as Compassionate Communication, is a way of relating to others so that everyone’s needs matter. NVC fosters connections between people rather than competition, one-upmanship or judgment. Shifting your attention to inner space rather than finding fault with what’s out there is the secret sauce for life-enhancing connections. Here are Ten Tips for NVC to get you started in the right direction:

  1. Recognize and acknowledge that everyone’s basic nature is compassion and basic goodness, no matter what they are doing or saying on the surface.....


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In Depth Book Review of Nonviolent Communication by Embrace Possibility Blog

Nonviolent communication is about learning how to tell others:

  • what they are doing to enrich or hurt your life
  • what your needs are
  • what feelings are tied to your needs
Nonviolent communication judges whether behavior serves life but does not judge to reward or punish; It does not evaluate on rightness and wrongness...


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Compassion in Action
COMPASSION IN ACTION (Documentary Directed by Sashi Tandon)
What goes around comes around. This charming short film depicts the ripple-effect of kind acts -- the way in which receiving an unexpected moment of generosity from a stranger can cause us to become more aware of the needs of those around us and to take action to become a vector of goodness.

"To be successful the first thing to do
is fall in love with your work. "
Sister Mary Lauretta

Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links

HANDOUT and full explanation of nvc - JULY 2021
Visit our Handouts Page

Marshallisms from Liminal Somatics
  • “Every diagnosis is a self-fulfilling prophecy. What you see is who you get.”
  • “When you see someone as complaining you are already in diagnosis. You have to learn how to enjoy their pain.”
  • “Empathic connection before fixing.”
  • “Only empathize if it is something you are doing for yourself. When it meets your need to go surfing with the divine energy. If not, then do something else.”
  • “There is a difference between asking if that is clear and would you tell me what you heard.”
  • “When you want someone to change, consider both, what would it is that you’d like the other person to do differently and what do you want their reasons to be for doing it?”
  • “When your feeling positive your needs are met.”
  • “When your feeling negative your needs are not met.”
  • “We all meet our needs to the best of our abilities.”
  • “Anything that is worth doing is worth doing poorly.”
  • “Empathize, don’t justify.”
  • “Unexpressed fear is almost always heard as aggression.”
  • “Rewards take the rewards out of it.”
  • “Respect as a feeling is a bit dangerous because we think we get it from another.”
  • “To give is domination, if I cannot receive.”
  • “When someone is talking a lot, look for need under the pain that is moving him or her to talk.”
  • “When some one is talking a lot you can say, I need to stop and need to know what you want from me. The feeling under the words must be patient.”
  • On regrets he said, “We do things we wouldn’t have done if we knew than what we are learning now.”
  • “Do not think what you say is empathy, this is off target; empathy is where we connect our consciousness with our intentions.”
  • “A hug is a mug, when you give it to someone when they need empathy. When you do it to get rid of the pain because you cant stand their pain.”
  • “We are responsible for our intentions and actions.”
  • “How others reinterpret our actions and intentions is what creates their feelings, this is out of our control and we cannot be responsible for their feelings.”
  • “When people keep repeating themselves is where they need empathy.”
  • “We can only experience pain when it touches beauty.”
  • “Don’t try to be perfect try to get less stupid”.
Book Excerpts
Read the first Chapter of each of the books on special this month!

Collaborating in the Workplace
Parenting From Your Heart
Teaching Children Compassionately
The Empathy Factor
The Healing Power of Empathy
Words that Work in Business, 2nd Edition


"Since you are like no other being
Ever created since the beginning of time,
You are incomparable. "
Brenda Ueland

ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons

Cartoons by Sven Hartenstein


Conceived by Meiji Stewart. Illustrated by David Blaisdell.

Nonviolent Communication Skills at Work: How They Help

"It is not only what we do,
But also what we do not do,
For which we are held accountable"

Becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer

CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal.

Introduction to the Certification Process
Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers

NVC Facebook Groups

List of 90+ NVC Facebook Groups


"Pain in life is inevitable,
misery is optional."
Henry Ward Beecher

Distance Learning Opportunities
NVC Academy
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.

Visit the NVC Academy

The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.

Visit CNVC.org/Trainings


"Knowing others is wisdom.
Knowing yourself is superior wisdom. "
Lao Tzu


"Those who know don’t lecture,
Those who lecture-don’t know. "
Lao Tzu

Peaceful Living - Being Present in This Moment
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
I always say to myself, what is the most
important thing we can think about
at this extraordinary moment.
—R. Buckminster Fuller

Being Present in This Moment
Have you ever noticed a tendency for your attention to be everywhere but where you actually are? You may be doing the dishes and stewing over a task you have tomorrow. Or changing the baby’s diaper while fretting about something you said earlier that day. You may be talking to a friend while worrying about your trip next week....

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Sign Up for the 365 Daily Meditations
Learn about the book here

NVC - Additional Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)

We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.

Please be safe!

PuddleDancer Press


Please share with friends, family, colleagues and social groups, if you believe they might find value in this:
