Celebrating Marshall Rosenberg’s birthday, to learn more about NVC & to help raise funds for CNVC! October 2020

Published: Mon, 10/05/20

  Oct 2020
NVC Monthly Newsletter

If you are new to Nonviolent Communication please visit our page on the basics of Nonviolent Communication.

Please visit our dedicated pages if you would like to know more about NVC and Covid and/or NVC and Racism.

Click here to see all of our books!

We now cover over 35 different topics from an NVC perspective-all written by a certified trainer. Please read some to learn more. Please stay safe and healthy for yourself, your loved one’s, for our first responders, for all of our front line workers and for everybody! Please visit us at www.nonviolentcommunication.com


Thank you : )
PuddleDancer Press

Remembering Marshall Rosenberg

October 6th is Marshall Rosenberg's birthday. In honor of his memory we will be

  • donating $2,500 directly,
  • donating 20% of all retail books sales to CNVC during the month of October,
  • and we will be making all of Marshall’s books/ebooks 60% off as well.
This is a great opportunity to support CNVC and also an opportunity to help make other’s lives more wonderful, by gifting some books to family, friends and colleagues to help share Marshall’s Nonviolent Communication legacy.

CNVC is also organizing a Marshall Rosenberg Birthday Celebration and Fundraiser! The celebration will be tomorrow October 6th. CNVC will share a brief video of Marshall teaching, hear stories and anecdotes from several people who worked closely with him prior to his death in 2015, and appreciate the contributions he made to peace and nonviolence on the planet.
CNVC will host two free 75-minute sessions in order to include everyone throughout the world:
  • SESSION 1: 09.00 Los Angeles / 12.00 New York / 17.00 London / 21.30 Mumbai
  • SESSION 2: 18.00 Los Angeles / 21.00 New York / 09.00 Beijing (7 Oct.) / 12.00 Sydney (7 Oct.)
Celebrations and stories of how Marshall Rosenberg contributed to making our lives wonderful from CNVC.

Visit Marshall's Wikipedia page to learn more about his life.

Please visit www.cnvc.org to learn more about CNVC and their work in spreading NVC around the world.


What You'll Find in This Month's Newsletter:
You may click any section header to jump to that section. (This feature is not supported on all devices and email clients.)
Upcoming Events
  • NVC Rising Global Festival - October 16-19
  • Pacific Virtual Intensive Training - Oct 30 - Nov 8
  • CNVC Virtual Intensive Trainings - November 13 - 22
  • NVC Academy's 7th Annual NVCfest - November 20 - 22
  • 2020 Coming Up for Air
  • 2020 The Water We’re Swimming In
  • 6th Letter to Parents - Time to Take a Time-In
  • 3 Practices for Calming the Anxious Self
  • Why Am I So Depressed?
  • Why Voting Is Important (non NVC)
  • Nonviolent Communication and Politics
  • Compassion in Action - COVID-19: Steps to Compassionate Action
  • Connecting Across Differences - Podcast
Book Specials
Distance Learning Opportunities
  • NVC Academy
  • The Center for Nonviolent Communication
Book Excerpt - The Compassionate Classroom
  • Chapter 1 - Creating Safety and Trust
  • Expanded New List - Feelings and Needs
  • ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons
  • PuddleDancer Press Cartoon - Anything is Possible
NVC in the News!
  • Book recommendations from 's 40 under 40 in tech
  • The power of feelings at work
  • If you want something, ask for it! Guatemala News
Peaceful Daily Reflection/Meditation
  • Getting Past Our Judgments
  • Becoming a CNVC certified trainer
  • 3 Inspiring & Meaningful Songs
    • Imagine live 1972 TV - John Lennon
    • What a Wonderful World | Playing For Change | Song Around The World – Louis Armstrong
    • One Day - Matisyahu
NVC Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

“If I’m using Nonviolent Communication I never, never, never hear what somebody thinks about me. Never hear what somebody thinks about you, you’ll live longer. You’ll enjoy life more. Hear the truth. The truth is that when somebody’s telling you what’s wrong with you, the truth is they have a need that isn’t getting met. Hear that they’re in pain. Don’t hear the analysis.”
Marshall B. Rosenberg

NVC Rising Global Festival – October 16-19
  • 72 Hours - Over 30 Teachers - Worldwide
  • Live sessions, some of which will be recorded and available at your own pace
  • Fully accessible from the comfort of your own home
LEARN from world-known NVC trainers from 6 continents CONNECT with community from all around the world ADDRESS the crisis and potential of this moment in history together GAIN TOOLS to take a stand for the world where all needs matter And HAVE FUN and let your BODY AND HEART enjoy offerings of yoga, dance parties, story-telling, art, open stage, and more

Event Information
Register Here

2020 Pacific Virtual Intensive Training – October 30 - November 8
Discover skills that will help you improve the quality of your relationships, deepen your inner peace, and increase your contribution in the world.

Join us to be part of a compassionate community learning together how to speak from the heart; practice deep, nonjudgmental listening; and build self empowerment from the inside out.

This event is a 10-day virtual training designed as an "immersion experience" in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) led by a team of experienced CNVC certified trainers.

Event Information
Register Here

The Center for Nonviolent Communication Virtual Intensive Trainings – November 13th - 22nd
Benefits of a virtual training (VIT)
By attending a virtual training, you will have the unprecedented opportunity to both be immersed in the material, and to bring it home to your own environments every day. Comfort, connection and immediate integration, especially with this particular group of life-transforming trainers, create a powerful and unforgettable field to support the movement into mastery.
This VIT will count toward certification equivalent to an IIT.
42 training sessions will be offered and you will get the recording of all of them!


7th Annual NVCfest presented by NVC Academy – November 20th - 22nd

An entire weekend devoted to connection, fun, and deepening your NVC practice at the 7th Annual NVCfest hosted by the NVC Academy. Featuring 33 diverse sessions and trainers, this is a special opportunity to grow in community, and:

  • Make life-long connections with other NVC enthusiasts
  • Engage with certified trainers from all around the world
  • Reveal new layers of understanding and perspective
  • Experience the pure and simple JOY of living and breathing NVC
NVCfest takes place on November 20 - 22 (See the course page to view the sessions in your time zone). You will get an introduction to NVC the first night in 3 languages, and several sessions offered in languages other than English throughout the event. Register now and get $50 off with coupon code 2020PUDDLE50

Topics on self-empathy, parenting, death, racism, conflict, intimacy, and SO MUCH MORE will be presented. And downloadable recordings of ALL 33 sessions will be available to everyone who registers. See the Full Schedule to check out all the amazing topics lined up this year.


Register Here


“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

2020 Coming Up for Air - Tim Buckley

It’s all about air, and whether it’s clean enough to breathe. True for us, true for fish and forests.

I realized over the weekend that I’m running out of air, and my first reaction was: save what I can for me.

COVID-19 and the forest fires stimulated my reaction. It’s one of those scarcity and abundance problems. When I perceive a scarcity of something precious, my generosity shrinks. Thinking about scarcity I get fearful, and resentful of others grabbing too much.....

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2020 The Water We’re Swimming In - Tim Buckley

Over eons, humans evolved from the sea, trading out gills for lungs, sprouting arms and legs where fins once fit. Although nicely adapted to a dryer climate, we still rely on water for survival. Water comprises more than 50 percent of our body and dehydration can trigger death in as few as three days.

As a landlubber, I was surprised when a teacher invited us to “look at the water you’re swimming in” from a racial equity point of view. Introspection and psychological analysis are familiar to me, but it was novel to examine white-dominant American culture as if it were an ocean, one in which I have been immersed since birth. The water that has largely supported and sustained me has been toxic for hundreds of millions of others...

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Time to Take a Time-In - Victoria Kindle Hodson & Sura Hart

Stop! Take a few deep breaths. What do you need right now?

Victoria heard from a client recently how surprised he was to discover the power he had to change what was going on by just stopping to notice what was happening in him...

Sura and Victoria are the authors of The Compassionate Classroom which is one of our 60% off book specials for October. You can click here to find the special. Click here to learn more.
They are also authors of No Fault Classroom as well as Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids.

Letter #6: Time to Take a Time-In
Letter #5: School Choices
Letter #4: Co-creating Our World
Letter #3: Power-with Parenting
Letter #2: Take Your Time, It's Yours
Letter #1: Checking in With Yourself & Your Kids

3 Practices for Calming the Anxious Self - Sarah Peyton

Do you wake up at 3am in a cold sweat, suddenly remembering your regrets and worries? Do anxiety and agitation flood you when the alarm clock goes off in the morning? Do you have the sense that your body’s fuel is cortisol, and that you spend your days managing burning tension, shame, anxiousness, exhaustion and low-grade dread and horror?

This struggle with anxiety is so common that it is almost the air we breathe in our industrialized world. There are personal, moral, political, global and spiritual issues overwhelming almost everyone. In such a world, what does Nonviolent Communication have to offer? How can NVC bring remedies and medicines to a world full of stress?

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Why Am I So Depressed? - Rachelle Lamb

I feel depressed because I have needs that are not being satisfied.

Well, maybe. Indeed it’s one way to frame and explore a depressed state. There’s more to the story however than what the above diagnostic statement suggests. We risk framing and treating people’s problems superficially if the prevailing reflex around what troubles them is primarily based in the identification of one’s personal needs as being the most effective means for resolving issues. What we often overlook in client-centred conversations is the degree to which one’s individual health and well being is greatly dependent on the state of health of everything that surrounds and sustains us in our human lives.

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Why Voting Is Important (non NVC)

“Voting is your civic duty.” This is a pretty common sentiment, especially each November as Election Day approaches. But what does it really mean? And what does it mean for Americans in particular?...

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“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”
James. M. Barry

Resources on the New Website
The Importance of Communication in Politics and Government

“In the tradition of building bridges, Nonviolent Communication, developed by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD., is a tool for political speech that can be both powerful in bringing awareness to transforming injustice and useful for connecting across differences.”

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View all MBR titles and The Compassionate Classroom here!

Distance Learning Opportunities
NVC Academy
The NVC Academy offers hundreds of affordable online personal growth courses and resources to learn Nonviolent Communication from home.

Visit the NVC Academy

The Center for Nonviolent Communication
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.

Visit CNVC.org/Trainings
Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals who are not Certified Trainers

Nonviolent Communication Free Handouts and Links

Expanded Feelings and Needs List from Rachelle Lamb


“I don’t sing because I’m happy. I’m happy because I sing.”
William James

Book Excerpt
The Compassionate Classroom - Chapter 1

Read the excerpt here
Buy the book on special here - 60% off


“Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the paint you can on it.”
Danny Kaye

ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication) Cartoons

Cartoons by Sven Hartenstein


Conceived by Meiji Stewart. Illustrated by David Blaisdell.

Compassion in Action - COVID-19: Steps to Compassionate Action
Connecting Across Differences - Podcast

Connecting Across Differences is a podcast by Dian Killian, Ph.D. of Work Collaboratively about having greater empathy for yourself and others, and how to hear others more deeply and make sure that you’ve been heard.

Episode 1: Making Observations - Click Here to listen

In the first episode, Dian focuses on key principles from her book, Urban Empathy, that can make a difference for you in your life and in your relationships. Urban Empathy is a book of illustrated actual verbatim stories set in New York City that show how outcomes can be radically different when we learn to listen deeply to others.

Listen to the podcast here
(Scroll to the bottom to access earlier episodes.)


“What a world this would be if we just built bridges instead of walls.”
Carlos Ramirez

Becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer

CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent CommunicationSM (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal.

Introduction to the Certification Process


“If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.”
Nelson Mandela

Inspirational and Meaningful Songs!
What impact does music have on society?
Music has the power to culturally, morally, and emotionally influence our society. Thus, the more intentional we become with the sounds, messages, and moods we create and release through our music, the more powerful we will become in making deep positive impacts.

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.”
Gautama Buddha

NVC in the News!

"Compassion for ourselves gives rise to the power to transform resentment into forgiveness, hatred into friendliness, and fear into respect for all human beings."
Jack Kornfield

Peaceful Living - Global Peace
Stay Connected to the Values of Compassion With the Free 365 Daily Peaceful Living Meditations.
The only difference between the beauty of
one person and the beauty of another is the
concept of beauty that people have.
—Don Miguel Ruiz

Getting Past Our Judgments
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with your judgments of self and others? Once when I was driving, I noticed a woman walking down the street. Without being aware at first, I thought, “Well, that’s a particularly ugly outfit she’s wearing.” A few minutes later, I caught myself thinking, “Who would drive a car like that?” I started to get a glimpse into how fast and unrelenting my judgments of others were. I vowed to myself that I was going to relieve myself of this pattern. I asked God to help me be aware of my judgments in the moment. Then whenever I caught myself judging, either aloud or silently, I immediately translated it...

Read More
Sign Up for the 365 Daily Meditations
Learn about the book here


“I would like us to create peace at three levels and have each of us to know how to do it.

First, within ourselves. That is to know how we can be peaceful with ourselves when we’re less than perfect, for example. How we can learn from our limitations without blaming and punishing our self. If we can’t do that, I’m not too optimistic how we’re going to relate peacefully out in the world.

Second, between people. Nonviolent Communication training shows people how to create peace within themselves and at the same time how to create connections with other people that allows compassionate giving to take place naturally.

And third, in our social systems. To look out at the structures that we’ve created, the governmental structures and other structures, and to look at whether they support peaceful connections between us and if not, to transform those structures.”
Marshall B. Rosenberg

NVC - Additional Resources
  1. NVC TIP SERIES (Free daily and weekly tips)

We hope you find value in our monthly newsletters. We would love to receive ANY feedback or suggestions you may want to share. Please let others know about our newsletter to help spread nonviolent communication, love, hope, humor and compassion, if you are willing :)

We want a more compassionate, equitable, peaceful, safe and healthy world.

Please be safe!

PuddleDancer Press


Please share with friends, family, colleagues and social groups, if you believe they might find value in this:
